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has any one seen Tenchi muyo! (6)

1 Name: Ryoko : 2011-06-24 02:14 ID:dpCHmIgG (Image: 468x700 jpg, 94 kb) [Del]

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Has anyone seen Tenchi Muyo i only know very few how know as much as i do to have a real conversation.

For people that don't know what Tenchi is. Tenchi Muyo is about a boy named Tenchi Masaki who family owns a shrine which guards the cave that is told to have a demon sealed in. When Tenchi accidentally releases the demon only to find out that the demon is a former space pirate his world is turn upside down. as time moves on his house is filled with beautiful alien girl (6 to be current).

Tenchi Muyo info:
Tenchi Muyo is a anime and a manga created by Masaki Kajishima and Hiroki Hayashi. Tenchi Muyo in the english terms can be read No Need or Tenchi or Useless Tenchi, though it can also be translated into No Heaven and Earth and This Way Up due to the original titles pun and multiple meanings.

The first series started with 6 episodes and was called Tenchi muyo Ryo-Ohki which was released in japan on September 25th, 1992. In 1994 Tenchi was released in the United Kingdom by Pioneer LDC. Later on as Tenchi Muyo's popularity grew they released a 7th episode called Tenchi Muyo! Special: The Night Before The Carnival or as some people know it as the Mihoshi Special. In 1994 the episode 8-13 where released, in 2003 episodes 14-19 where released as well which also had a special 20th episode.

In 1995, 2 side series was released and was called Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo. as a spin-off they also made a show call Magical Girl Pretty Sammy.

Well that's all the info i'm going to tell if you want to know about the show itself you'll just have to watch and see for yourslef.

2 Name: Mael : 2011-06-24 04:54 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

Nice thread. This is a breath of fresh air from the usual fangirl bs all over this board. Nice description too. As for the show, Hell yeah I've seen Tenchi, it was one of the first anime I ever watched thanks to toonami(rest in peace). And i loved it, I'm thinking of rewatching it soon since its been a very long time since i last saw it.

3 Name: Ryoko : 2011-06-24 09:13 ID:dpCHmIgG [Del]

cool i really miss toonami and thanks i was actually surprised that i wrote so much when i posted just glad some replied thx Mael.

4 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-06-24 22:38 ID:GGFSEAKz [Del]

did you mean Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi GPX, or...?

I downloaded I believe it was all 3 series of Tenchi Muyo, and the movie - One of the only series that ever made me passionate about shipping. Because, you know, Fuck Aeyeka and that vanilla bitch from the movie - Ryoko is the OTP.

So it goes without saying my favorite was Tenchi Universe - Both for the ending theme New Dimension of Love that left Ryoko as the canon pairing, and because of the opening by SONIA which is awesome in English and japanese.

I also loved the inclusion of Mihoshi and Kiyone, but that's a different story entirely... On that note though, I really found myself caring less and less for Tenchi Muyo when Tenchi in Tokyo kicked up - god I loathed that series. It felt like everything I loved about Tenchi had just been drawn out into stupidity.

Did like Pretty Girl Sammy, though. But there's just No Need For That, right?

5 Name: Ryoko : 2011-06-25 00:58 ID:dpCHmIgG [Del]

i know right it's awesome cause i'm a super TxR fan and your right ryoko is the canon pairing for tenchi. now and forever but i didn't like sakuya from tenchi in tokyo other than that and tenchi being a butt hole for loving sakuya in the first place.

6 Name: Mael : 2011-06-25 23:30 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

Yeah TxR is the way to go... I'm totally on your side with that.