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Hidan no Aria (5)

1 Name: Mael : 2011-05-20 07:06 ID:DEIAqeaV (Image: 1280x669 jpg, 370 kb) [Del]

src/1305893200839.jpg: 1280x669, 370 kb
The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school that trains students to become Butei (Special Armed Detectives). Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a split personality that triggers whenever he becomes excited/aroused (I'm assuming?). In this personality, he gains some bad ass skill that tops the best in the academy. However due to some circumstances he is ranked E, which is the lowest class (Ranks from E D C B A S, S being the highest) and he plans to quit being a Butei. However one fateful day, he gets caught up in a bombing on the way to school, and is saved by Kanzaki H. Aria, the most powerful S-Rank Butei in the Assault Division. Thus beginning their story together.

This show is pretty interesting, I don't really enjoy that many gunslinger-esque shows, but this show has some wicked gunfights in it. The characters are fun and enjoyable to watch, personally i enjoy Kinji's alternate personality the most. Give it a shot guys, let me know what ya think.

Hidan no Aria is also a 12 episode show that is currently airing, as of May 20th, there are 6 episodes out! Enjoy!

2 Name: Oni-Chan !f77weXGVDE : 2011-10-12 22:05 ID:zyYPrgC0 [Del]

i just got done with the anime. overall, i would give it an 8/10. it wasnt really that ecchi, (poop...) and the characters had their own unique skill. and if i had to pick an anime power, it would be "hysteria mode." beasting on people from getting "excited." it would be nice to get a season 2, but i guess the creater changed his mind D:

3 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-10-12 22:25 ID:EwJZJvQE [Del]

I found this series as a manga some time ago, then picked it up as an anime because I loved the first chapter or two that much.

And the anime got me wondering if I should pick up the light novels to see what they changed. I had thought they kind of added more ecchi and random bullshit when it came to the Vlad fight, but...

Mother of god, no, it was all canon. And it only gets more beyond the impossible amazing in the light novels. The anime is a favorite of mine purely for that reason alone, and of course - Hysteria Mode is a concept I adored seeing used. It was something completely unexpected, and I loved seeing the male being put into a competent role in these kinds of shows.

Would recommend watching - but recommend the light novels more.

4 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-03-31 21:55 ID:2xbRkLXf [Del]

Although being a long time dead, it's sad how little posts this anime has.
Despite it being a short twelve episode series (unless you count the special, which would make thirteen), this does a remarkable job of developing its characters in such a short time.
Although the method of the 'power' the main character gets is... odd, it makes for some pretty funny moments later on. That said, there's plenty of times that it's more serious, from kidnappings to students having their lives put in danger.

Even though there's no second season, this series as-is is still a great watch for anyone who's into gunfights, and even if you don't, it's worth the watch. (Not that it will take up much time to watch anyway).

5 Name: Folty !Cp8iC8Nj9o : 2013-04-02 16:25 ID:c/DI40iz [Del]

If he could just switch to histeria mode it would be the same as all the other animes out there that is what makes it special and funny as hell, you go from laughting to WTF when did he got to OP in seconds.