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Beelzebub (17)

1 Name: Mael : 2011-05-14 14:09 ID:DEIAqeaV (Image: 316x350 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1305400178807.jpg: 316x350, 36 kb
Alright! So, this story revolves around Oga Tatsumi aka 'The Demon' who is The Strongest Delinquent in Ishiyama High, which is the school...for delinquents. One day, he pulled a strange man out of the river, and the man proceeded to split in half, revealing a baby. This baby is Beelzebub, the heir to the throne of the demon king, and now it is his job to raise it along with the baby's demon maid...

Ok SO! Normally I refrain from posting about a show until I am 'at least' halfway through, but it has been a loooongggg time since I have been hooked by the first episode of a show. There was not ONE dull moment. The humor is ridiculous and the action is good, so give it a shot guys! I'll update if my opinion changes later on. :)

2 Name: Nitro : 2011-05-14 14:57 ID:17pxrNOu [Del]

Bwahah that anime is increadibly hilarious! I haven't watched many episodes but some of them made me roll on the floor laughting! I really hope the anime won't stop halfway

3 Name: HTT : 2011-05-14 16:33 ID:HMsTMdiW [Del]

i like this anime~ its funny and refreshing~ (:

4 Name: 慧子 : 2011-05-16 03:45 ID:ZGB6Yktk [Del]

I do not mean to be a wet blanket but, as of now, they are showing a lot of fillers, and the series still does not have 20 episodes. Are they trying to make the manga catch up?

5 Name: WiseWolf : 2011-05-16 04:51 ID:Lv53QRDz [Del]

Hmmm I prefer the manga over the anime in this case, especially since its much farther ahead in the the story.
But I will agree, it is a pretty awesome show.

6 Name: ShiroYami : 2011-05-16 09:06 ID:m1z/WWM4 [Del]

one of my fav :D

7 Name: Mael : 2011-05-16 14:20 ID:DEIAqeaV [Del]

>>4 I can see that, The actual storyline is badass, but the filler isn't bad either... It's still funny :D However I'm only on episode 10 now. So far this show just keeps getting better. My opinion of it remains the same!

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-16 14:39 ID:ESSBWZm9 [Del]

I've heard good things about this, but didn't get the chance to pick it up. I'll watch this if I have time, it sounds interesting :U

9 Name: Sin Silly !kMr1QQsLJM : 2011-05-19 06:36 ID:i8OnW7wr [Del]

I really like this anime!

It's funny, and pretty badass.

10 Name: Takano : 2011-05-19 10:39 ID:riBKkzxK [Del]

I like the manga better.

11 Name: blauherz : 2011-05-19 13:50 ID:R8ew9Jgf [Del]

I started reading the manga until things started to ged really weird (like with this ultra strong teacher alnd all)
and so i stopped reading....
and i have the feeling there is a lot in this manga that trys really hard to be funny, but it isnt...

12 Name: KanoN-ChaN : 2012-01-18 21:39 ID:VE/3IOpk [Del]

this series is...weird, but in a good way. i have to admit i had low expectations when i first watched it, but in the end i couldn't stop myself from clicking on the next episode!
the fillers are pretty well-made
and the humor gets me every time.
i wouldn't call this the best series, but it's still pretty awesome and i would recommend it to anyone.

13 Name: Nena-sama : 2012-01-18 21:59 ID:5qeEup9i [Del]

i luv this show,at first i thought it was werid,but then i couldn't stop watching it,and now i love it ta death XD

14 Name: lunasol : 2012-03-05 22:48 ID:GhgcmIml [Del]

I LOVE it!!! I baby Beel is such a cute baby!!!<3<3

15 Name: hibari : 2012-03-26 20:12 ID:sGeINdHZ [Del]

>>14 I think so too! :D
Baby Beel is adorable.
I love all Beelzebub's characters,
I just don't like how they make Alaindelon all over Furuichi! That's fckn annoying, and disgusting DX

16 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-03-28 19:24 ID:WfkPtZF1 [Del]

Think there's going to be a sequel?

17 Name: PandaFreak !EYrvRrGrnI : 2015-11-12 11:44 ID:87v0EaUj [Del]

Bump from the dead, as I just remembered how much I loved the first openi-Eh Anime Yeah...No really, jokes aside I really loved this anime. Filled with my kind of humor and The randomness along with the action is spot on~ Oga ended up being the person I imitated like a dork for three weeks straight...Good times.