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summer wars (53)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-07 01:07 ID:QZHU3wsC (Image: 1200x1000 jpg, 298 kb) [Del]

src/1304748428650.jpg: 1200x1000, 298 kb
this anime only got 1 and a half hour to watch and it's worth it!

a math genius timid eleventh-grader agrees to take the summer job without hesitation from her secret crush and when he knows that his summer job is to pretend to be her boyfriend. one day when he receives math problem on his cellphone he couldn't resist but solve it. (yeah, what do you expect from a math genius) that problem he solved causes hijacking of a social networking site (the oz) that relies most of the world's social and business traffic flows. it's up to him and the his new "fake" family to put the world back to peace and order..

the beginning is cute, the story plot is good too and the ending is funny.. i like this anime. :)

2 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-05-07 01:36 ID:jtnyeRZC [Del]

It's an hour and a half cause it's a movie.
I watched it last summer though. Really good.
Lots of people don't like it because it's incredibly similar to the Our War Game Digimon movie.
I dunno, I like that. Our War Game was an awesome movie as well, and obviously it's by the same director. It seems to me like he really enjoyed the story, and wanted to expand on it. Which I think is great.

I liked it.

3 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-05-07 01:37 ID:jtnyeRZC [Del]

Oh, and the soundtrack is awesome.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Sora : 2011-05-07 01:58 ID:QZHU3wsC [Del]

yeahp! sorry, i forgot to mention that it is a movie..
i agree, i like the story too but, i haven't watch the digimon movie yet..
i see, maybe, the story plot is a little bit recycled.... ?

6 Name: Batora : 2011-05-07 07:56 ID:zE/LOcNL [Del]

I watched this last summer as well, it was pretty good.
As soon as I read that it was about an eleventh grade math genius, I was like "MUST WATCH".

7 Name: Thanatos : 2011-05-07 13:47 ID:Nf0DeEGK [Del]

This movie is really good. That pic was a little misleading with what the actual movie is about so it was a bit a surprise to me all the net thing. Also, if you liked this movie, go on and give it a try to The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

8 Name: Sad : 2011-05-07 15:38 ID:ppv0+zmj [Del]


9 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-05-08 00:42 ID:KrpJ3U7/ [Del]

This is sitting in my big pile of anime that has yet to be unwraped and watched yet. I really do buy too much anime -_-

10 Name: ryki : 2011-05-09 15:45 ID:vCBFkUJM [Del]

It's a really good movie! I loved watching it, and I'll probably watch it over and over!

11 Name: Chitose : 2011-05-10 01:28 ID:qPHktRuL [Del]

Still haven't watched this..
It looks pretty and I've been told it rocks.
My start of the summer, movie?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-10 17:23 ID:APAdY9XA [Del]

freaking awesome

13 Name: Knyne : 2011-05-13 01:17 ID:wvEky2o/ [Del]

Yeah.. it is very cool.. I have never watch anything it... whoever made this is a genius..

14 Name: Riko : 2011-05-13 17:43 ID:h7BBX4mK [Del]

One word. Amazing.

15 Name: king : 2011-05-13 21:03 ID:oKy6yPzt [Del]

>>11 i say watch it chi. it is as awesome as everyone says. even if it is just like our war game.

16 Name: XSoraX : 2011-05-13 22:44 ID:DVjmLHOj [Del]

Clannad is better:D but yea its good and clannad made me cry >_<

17 Name: Akito : 2011-05-16 01:18 ID:jnqOynyz [Del]

love it, i was about to make a thread about it but was waiting.. lol. but wondering if this should be here or films?? xD *shot

18 Name: Nakura-san : 2011-06-03 21:48 ID:Hz1sXn/b [Del]

Did you break the internet?

19 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-08 08:15 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

I just recently got around to watching this for some reason... And its fucking amazing...Omg... lol. But there is one thing man, this totally reminds me of the Digimon movie XD which by no means is a bad thing, that movie was badass too. But this movie...Lets see if i could describe it in terms that people could understand. Nothing has ever made me want to learn math before...

20 Name: Rayray : 2011-08-08 11:29 ID:s8tjOTX5 [Del]

I loved this movie so much I got 2 copys.

21 Name: UnitedRevival27 : 2011-08-08 13:52 ID:Os4FBAWu [Del]

If anyone wants, watch "The Girl who Leapt through Time" its by the same makers and i liked it just as much as "Summer Wars"

22 Name: Chitose !rHaXtw9IkE : 2011-08-08 19:04 ID:ADbIoO7e [Del]

Oh, I forgot to post here after I finished watching... three.. weeks ago. Whoops.

Summer Wars is very pretty to watch, in case you're one of those people who pick and choose what you watch by the art. The scenes in OZ are nice, it's surprisingly easy on the eyes for mostly white scenes. It's rather simple and clean looking art, but it's a nice change from... well a lot of things really.

Story.. I agree, it is rather reminiscent of the Digimon Movie. There's the general story for you up in >>1 though. That cover art for the DVD was the most misleading thing ever. Worth watching if you're a satire lover like I am.

Characters! Well, simply put a lot of them are rather badass. And because it's a giant family that's starring, it gives that nice sort of homey feel at times. While I disliked a couple characters, it was mostly because I have a low tolerance for certain personality types/character types. Not at all because they were just terrible characters as a whole.

23 Name: Rish : 2011-08-09 23:27 ID:xwDwhHts [Del]

Hey thanks for this Great Movie.....just watched it yesterday..really mind blowing.. :)

24 Name: Kumiko<3 : 2011-08-10 11:08 ID:LClju338 [Del]

Thought is was one of the best anime movies Ive ever seen ^^

25 Name: Hex : 2011-08-10 11:40 ID:nC4Aw3r8 [Del]

I bought it. Thought it was really intense when he started bleeding from the nose while cracking codes.

26 Name: zudo : 2011-08-10 12:52 ID:EbbO4NL4 [Del]


27 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-08-10 20:29 ID:HnRHv/3g [Del]

With the identical plot as Our World Game (Same Creator) I beleive this was better

28 Name: Oriental Dream : 2011-08-10 23:05 ID:gxgt3XHc [Del]

I saw that movie in the video Cyrus Virus!

I've been looking for a good place to watch it, but so far no luck..
Can anyone give me a link to Summer Wars please?

29 Name: Zelyka : 2011-08-11 13:12 ID:wATDm8Vt [Del]

OMG i watched it at a convention known as MTAC but only the last bit of seemed pretty epic so i want to watch the full thing sooner or later

30 Name: Zelyka : 2011-08-11 13:16 ID:wATDm8Vt [Del]

Wouldnt this be in the thread of films though?

31 Name: Ryuka : 2011-08-11 13:19 ID:eWZ2whyY [Del]

like? no...I LOVE THIS ANIME!!! <3 <3 <3

32 Name: pokjhdbnxw : 2011-08-12 00:19 ID:Al+V7KQl [Del]

I was very, very impressed.

A movie about math... I'm just glad that I could look past the math part. I did not expect anything this amazing.

Thank you for posting this.

33 Name: Green Cow : 2011-08-12 00:43 ID:9VicR02P [Del]

where can I download this one?? coz this anime needs to be in my collection

34 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-12 01:55 ID:CvJgtiZz [Del] or, both great torrent sites.

35 Name: Shillien : 2011-08-12 03:35 ID:ytSbRfw3 [Del]

this movie was cool

36 Name: Green Cow : 2011-08-12 06:21 ID:9VicR02P [Del]

what is the japanes title for these one

37 Name: Green Cow : 2011-08-12 06:32 ID:9VicR02P [Del]

bakabt doesn't have summer wars

38 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-12 10:39 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

>>37 Oh shit your right... Then your best bet for great quality is, I just remembered baka is where i got The girl who leapt through time...not summer wars... my bad. :/

39 Name: Green Cow : 2011-08-12 12:34 ID:9VicR02P [Del]

what the hell 25kb/s -.- need more seeders!!!!!! wahahaha

40 Name: zudo : 2011-08-12 22:08 ID:EbbO4NL4 [Del]

>>33 try downloading it at

41 Name: Kitsune : 2011-09-11 13:19 ID:WLvuGKZ+ [Del]

We need a REAL Oz...Imagine the playing in the virtual

42 Name: Mani : 2011-10-21 12:35 ID:VJOlgx9A [Del]

yea we do!!

43 Name: Divinity : 2011-10-23 13:33 ID:M0Fk1BYd [Del]

I just watched it yesterday for the first time, and I loved it! I loved the story-line, and the characters. I wish I had a family like that, they were awesome ^_^

44 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-23 15:38 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

>>41 Thats funny, i don't remember any of it being 'virtual' they just used computers... So uh...yeah. BUT IF IT WERE, that would be boss.

45 Name: hikitori!1fXBJ0hQ2. : 2011-10-24 09:18 ID:DxezdWCw [Del]

lol, me and a buddy picked this up at anime expo, watched it like ten times, never gets old

46 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-02-21 19:45 ID:i3G7M/wh [Del]


47 Name: A : 2012-02-22 16:23 ID:zxP4kvyf [Del]

This is a bloody brilliant film, gotta watch it again

48 Name: Thurirl : 2013-06-18 16:37 ID:5ByTG4f9 [Del]

Great movie :)

49 Name: Qwerty : 2013-06-18 17:19 ID:wuY3gcyk [Del]

Where did you see it? i can't fond it anywhere!!!!!!!!!

50 Name: あんな : 2013-06-18 17:26 ID:td1AloQI [Del]

I loved it. Great movie.

51 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-06-21 13:35 ID:u6wLP+pG [Del]

Decided to watch this movie yesterday and that was one of the greatest movies ever that I have seen. It's hilarious and includes a great moral of family.

52 Name: Kojirō : 2015-06-22 04:43 ID:fX09Nldu [Del]


53 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-22 05:00 ID:9vgS7F9V [Del]

>>52 Dude, the thread name