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Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (38)

1 Name: Celestial : 2011-04-26 22:08 ID:kMaiBg0p [Del]

I AM SO PISSED OFF my friend says that the first season is better than the first one.She dropped the anime and im just going beserk.She says it doesn't go well together!!!its just frustrating!Please comment about Full Metal Alchemist so that my friend realizes how great the second season is!

2 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-27 00:52 ID:ESSBWZm9 [Del]

Each to his/her own. The first anime was very different than the second and the manga, and is good enough to be it's own original canon. However, the second anime and the manga has more content that is built on in an arguably more thought-out light.

Personally, I like both, and the second anime was spectacular. It makes no sense to like one of them and completely disregard the other - they aren't meant to fit together in the first place. It's like refusing to watch Durarara because you prefer Baccano.

Tell her to just treat it as a completely seperate continuity, because that's exactly what it is. Otherwise, there isn't much that can be done.

3 Name: Celestial : 2011-04-27 01:29 ID:kMaiBg0p [Del]

Thanks and anyways i shouldn't be too angry about it anger issues :(

4 Name: bang-bang : 2011-04-27 03:53 ID:5vW2aokb [Del]

There's a lot of fighting going on on this subject and most of the time it consists of people yelling high and mighty that their preferred version is the best. And that's silly because like that you lose sight of what each one has to offer.

Of course after seeing both your brain can't do anything but compare but that made me see exactly how different they are. The same characters and setting is all they have in common, otherwise the story, but mostly the feel and message of each version are fundamentally different. So like it's been said they should be treated as completely separate and people should stop bickering.

5 Name: king : 2011-04-27 05:24 ID:oKy6yPzt [Del]

i am yet to watch brotherhood. seen maybe half(?) of it, and i dont have much drive to watch much more. the original fma is over and done with, and the characters i know have already had a perfectly good story told for them.

so, that being said, someone tell me why i should do it over again? sell it to me.

6 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-27 14:24 ID:ESSBWZm9 [Del]

>>5 Ling.

7 Name: king : 2011-04-28 06:18 ID:oKy6yPzt (Image: 600x337 jpg, 25 kb) [Del]

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>>6 i know he is so damn cool, but this giant cgi lizard keeps telling shouting at me about how much his show doesn't want me to watch it. it was going so well until this mockery of animation showed up.

8 Name: king : 2011-04-28 06:21 ID:oKy6yPzt (Image: 750x365 jpg, 72 kb) [Del]

src/1303989685424.jpg: 750x365, 72 kb
sorry for the double post, but you needed the comparison to understand how badly they fucked up with on of my favorite characters. you don't know how much i was looking forward to seeing bones animate this magnificent lizard. i felt so cheated.

9 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-28 15:49 ID:ESSBWZm9 [Del]

Well alright... but that's the only problem I could see with the series. I know you're hung up over it though lol

10 Name: king : 2011-04-28 20:28 ID:oKy6yPzt [Del]

>>9 yeah, i was probably going to watch it eventually (after princess tutu most likely), i just kinda wish someone else would take the initiative and argue for their beloved brotherhood. why so spineless bbs?

11 Name: bang-bang : 2011-04-29 08:52 ID:5vW2aokb [Del]

>>10 Well, when I'm not playing peacemaker and telling people to hold hands and get along I'm actually advocating for the first series. So I'm not really fit to argue in brotherhood's favor heh. But since it seems you already read the manga what need is there to watch the anime too?

Oh and the cg envy was...yeah.

12 Name: Akuto Sai : 2011-09-12 05:11 ID:5jzmKs0z [Del]

Personally, I think Brotherhood had better storytelling and characters, but the ending to FMA was just better

13 Name: Neku : 2011-12-13 02:15 ID:lqwyHyJE [Del]

i like the ending, it was nice

14 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-13 09:03 ID:Msraa5xT [Del]

IMO Brotherhood was by far better in every aspect, I liked the first one, just liked Brotherhood more. Also Mustang is a fucking beast in Brotherhood

15 Name: ame : 2011-12-13 12:31 ID:UNwTMdMB [Del]

i personally like Brotherhood the best but the other is good too

16 Name: Fate : 2011-12-13 12:42 ID:UIT+kv5t [Del]

this show is pretty good

17 Name: leave2die : 2011-12-13 14:58 ID:4nMfIHUW [Del]

Both versions are good in my opinion.

18 Name: whatsupdoc : 2011-12-13 15:58 ID:1Fl88CXR [Del]

i like them both but there's something about brotherhood that makes it better in my opinion like it flows together better or something idk

19 Name: zero : 2011-12-13 16:01 ID:gGODai36 [Del]

i love both :)

20 Name: AJPalJ : 2011-12-13 16:35 ID:dLyeedHJ [Del]

I think they both have their quirks. In the original FMA, the manga wasn't completed so they had to make up their own plot for the most part. I did like how Ed grew through that one though. FMA Brotherhood is a lot more bad-ass and ties in with the manga a lot more (which makes sense of course). Both are good though.

21 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-13 20:09 ID:pHxRrq+z [Del]

I disliked the voice over change. Or is that the movie of after ed gets in the gate...
They were both good, but I found brohood to have a cooler ending.

22 Name: Shikyo-chan : 2011-12-13 21:04 ID:rOZOAapo [Del]

I loved them both but liked Brotherhood better. However my favorite character was Russel Tringham who was only in the first. I don't care if he was only in three episodes, i love him.

23 Name: chibiv2 : 2011-12-13 21:04 ID:ceBaEc8Z [Del]

i liked how the animation was a bit different,also the ending was sooo good!

24 Name: Kuro Taka : 2011-12-13 21:54 ID:Ezg1DCSs [Del]

The first anime was pretty good, but I like that the second anime actually follows the manga and includes Ling. I absolutely love Ling!!

CGI Envy did seem kinda weird, though. It didn't quite fit in.

At least EdxWinry was still canon. And I liked the ending and the way the story went better in Brotherhood, but that's probably just because I read the manga.

25 Name: Davka : 2011-12-14 01:48 ID:DaHv37NA [Del]

There getting ready to come out with a brotherhood movie, next year I think.

26 Name: Yamie : 2011-12-14 12:00 ID:pf7YRPtg [Del]

>>25 Really?! That's great!!! Can't wait until it comes!!

FMA Brotherhood is better than the first season. It makes much more sense and it fits the manga WAAAAYYYY better! I have no idea why they messed up the first season and decided to crumble the storyline, but the movie was great!

27 Name: valerain : 2011-12-14 12:07 ID:EjXO7Bi6 (Image: 1300x1400 jpg, 332 kb) [Del]

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OMG ENVY sooooooooo cool on the second season, he was sooo awesome ,THE HOLE DAMN SEAON WAS AWESOME ,MUCH BETTER THAN THE FIRST, FATHER WAS AWESOME TOO. tell ur friend not to judge it unless she sees the whole thing first because pride was one of the coolest homunculus ever, he made the anime go beyond cool. (Im a die hard FMA fan lol)

28 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-14 12:19 ID:RPxtFa8P [Del]

This thread aggravates me.

29 Name: valerain : 2011-12-14 12:42 ID:EjXO7Bi6 [Del]

lol u ok bang-bang?

30 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-04-25 15:04 ID:JIFKYd0x [Del]

I like brotherhood mainly because it followed the manga bit more than the 1st one (Despite removing some things also) and because we get a SOLID conclusion to the story. I mean the whole 18th century on the next side of the door thing always felt like a joke to me. Something that should not have happened in FMA.

31 Name: NomNomTan : 2012-09-27 00:41 ID:22Cqhp3U (Image: 500x284 jpg, 34 kb) [Del]

src/1348724476152.jpg: 500x284, 34 kb
"Just give him back! He's my little brother and he's all I have left!!!!"
Unlike most anime, FMA Brotherhood can hit you where it hurts...

32 Name: Balthizar : 2012-09-27 01:10 ID:OGApbKPC [Del]

>>31 Great pic and quote. One of the best parts of the series.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-21 17:21 ID:RSzEgBf7 [Del]

>>31 it really is emotional and uite dark at times. It was really sad when Nina Tucker gets turned into a chimera

34 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-21 22:40 ID:+frCDJYG [Del]

>>33 Considering the major theme of the entire series is loss, that's no real surprise. Loss of life, of ideals, of morals, of yourself both physically and symbolically. The whole concept of the Truth was ironic, karmic punishment and inflicting as much despair as possible for one's hubris.

This was a serious series balanced with comic relief - not the other way around. When you have this in mind, it's hard to be completely blindsided when things get too real.

35 Name: Aurelia : 2013-07-23 14:11 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

It was a good anime. Very deep and complex. Good character development.

36 Name: Steve : 2013-07-23 14:17 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

>>35 I 2nd this comment. FMA:B is the shit! I like this anime so much I got all the opening & end themes of it! I watched all the episodes at least three times.

37 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-08-17 12:23 ID:1AWtIiav [Del]

Making a quick comment about how brotherhood sticks to the manga and the original confused me. Well the few episodes that I did watch.

I didnt see a problem with anything accept all the flashbacks in the beginning and leaving out the whole yoki thing, but I guess Im okay with it to an extent. I love the animation and the plot and voices and just everything. This was like, my second series that I fell full heart and soul in love with after my first series. Its gotta be my favorite.

Its also a battle with me and people I know who watched the original. Jesus christo.

38 Name: bang-bang : 2013-08-17 15:15 ID:7Uznk6UM [Del]

Someone should really make a proper thread for this, it deserves it.

And the less "it is so much better that the 03 version because that one didn't stick to the manga and it sucks !!!!1111" in the opening post the better.
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