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Ookami-san (9)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-07-09 12:00 ID:YTy1UkDV

How many of you are keeping up with this? It's quickly turning into something pretty amazing for me.

Episode 2 had Ryoushi finally coming out of his shell for a moment to be pretty heroic. It's still really to early for real character development to happen, but even so it's coming out fairly nicely.

As an interesting note, much like Durarara, Ookami-san is actually an anime adaption from a light novel series. The characterization and quality of the series really shows that (As opposed to a great deal of manga adaptions sadly being shafted to the side in favor of fanservice and rewrites.)

I think it's a refreshing change from alot of the more dark and edgy series. It takes itself serious, and of course, Ookami-san looks like someone mixed Horo and Taiga together - She even acts like it. So that's just a nice bonus.

P.S. Loving the Red Riding Hood references. Kind of funny when Riding Hood and the Wolf are friends, and the hunter is a coward - Wonder what that's trying to say?

2 Name: Tem : 2010-07-09 13:31 ID:/B5CJvej

I think this show really has potential.
So far I really enjoyed the two episodes. Hopefully the story stays interesting for the rest of the season.

Btw: There really are a LOT fairytale references in this show *_* Just to point out a few:

As Ayanavi said the three main characters as Red Riding Hood, wolf and hunter. Then the title of the series is a reference to the seven dwarves from Snow White. "Red Riding Hood"'s name is Akai Ringo -> means red apple, like the apple that nearly killed Snow White. Alice the sister of the Clubchief, refers to Alice in Wonderland. The whole first episode had lots of Cinderella references.

3 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-07-09 17:41 ID:1X1xToZ6

I completely missed the snow white reference, but you're right! I'm gonna be picking through each episode looking for fairytale references now, hehe.

4 Name: Reltair : 2010-07-09 19:34 ID:6RYcFakF


Yup, such as the Pumpkin bicycle. When I watch, I don't really look out for fairy tale references though. So I'm surprised when I read about all of them.

5 Name: Etchy : 2010-07-12 20:28 ID:inggCweB

teh anime of the season? hihi

6 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-07-16 02:49 ID:JbxKAzpE

Episode 3 of Ookami-san came out, I was pretty happy about it. The tortoise and the hare aesope was so blatant, but were there any other references you guys noticed?

Also, shout-outs to Zero no Tsukaima and, of all things, Darkstalkers!

7 Name: Rinya : 2010-07-16 22:19 ID:1cdrD/2K

For me, the third episode totally pwned the first two. <3

Ep 2 was too messy for me. Anyway, I hope they continue the momentum ~

8 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-03-27 21:45 ID:Fk/DZDax [Del]

Just started watching this. I absolutely love this show's narrator in the dub (the original is meh on my radar). Luci Christian puts such a good spin on that role XD

9 Name: Rabe-chan : 2012-03-31 08:03 ID:/6gAGDR4 [Del]

I've been obsessed with this show for so long! I nailed thru the whole season/series in two days. Wrote some fanfiction. Then rewatched it. Made two AMVs. Now I'm rewatching the two episodes that are in English, and I'm gonna buy the DVD on April 3rd when it comes out! :3