Dollars BBS | Visual Novels










Visual Novels







help me choose a visual novel (15)

1 Name: redman001 : 2015-04-12 00:24 ID:8Tk5HNBr [Del]

guys i am looking for a good visual novel and i am not into romance visual novels

2 Name: Grim-Dono : 2015-04-13 00:57 ID:ootBNZTo [Del]

Guys know any visual novel that is well translated into Spanish ?

3 Name: MidoriNeko : 2015-04-16 05:18 ID:KmXzof1r [Del]

If you are looking for a good visual, I have some.
But without Romance? I think you will have a hard time finding one....
I watched the anime of Yuuki Yuuna wa yuusha de aru because at the time the VN was not translated. But now it is and can be found on Fuwanovel.
I really liked the anime. It is kinda like Madoka Magica.
So yea.

But for anyone that want VN with romance.... Go read Grisaia no Kajitsu! Not the Anime. It was the first VN I ever did and still is my favorite of all time.

4 Name: Kagerou09 : 2015-05-02 09:23 ID:AcmbEJjn [Del]

I recommend you Umineko No Naku Koro ni.
Maybe it has a little bit of romance, but not so much.
It's really amazing

5 Name: Bi : 2015-05-03 05:13 ID:TI2DDTeP [Del]

Kamidori Alchemy Meister was pretty fun it had a bit of romance but the gameplay was awesome. It's a VN/SRPG. I spent almost 2 weeks trying to complete each heroine.

Fate series seems promising too if you're into that kind of stuff :)

6 Name: theQueen : 2015-05-03 09:03 ID:H827TINz [Del]

The Ace Attorney Series. No straight-out romance. Its really fun :D

7 Name: Mister 7 !myxXiuBMhw : 2015-05-04 00:11 ID:9MhqvWXH [Del]

Zero Escape: 999 9 Hours, 9 Doors, 9 Persons and its sequel Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward are amazing. Oh, and Danganronpa 1 and 2 are a must.

8 Name: kimbob : 2015-05-26 11:16 ID:UKOWy0nR [Del]


9 Name: LeafeonZ : 2015-05-27 14:35 ID:fnd4Qc4E [Del]


10 Name: Mudpuppy : 2015-05-29 07:13 ID:aNBtFFTQ [Del]

Don't listen to these homestuck trash fans, go for Katawa Shoujo.

11 Name: Goreal : 2015-06-13 23:53 ID:GU6P24D5 [Del]

Any of Nitroplus / 5pb.'s 'Science Adventure' series would be awesome. Chaos;HEad, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes and Chaos;Child are all incredibly respected. Steins;Gate is freaking incredible.

12 Name: Shizuko : 2015-06-23 16:03 ID:ylo/UMGP [Del]


13 Name: Shinzo : 2015-06-24 23:02 ID:2XKt0vgk [Del]

I would very much recommend Palinurus! Short, free, and quite good.

14 Name: Cyrus : 2015-06-29 03:53 ID:FMpNRgy4 [Del]

Fate by type moon. Easily the best eroge but definitly no eroge type of VN. Think about Hunger Games with Heroic Spirits like Robin Hood or Francis Drake fighting alongside mages that sustain them in the real world, while fighting each other over the holy grail, a omnipotent wishing device

15 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-07-10 06:55 ID:fqsuSkn6 [Del]

Chaos;Head. One of the most mind fucky VN I've ever played, easily one of if not the best of the entire Science Adventure series. It has a bit of romance, some of which isn't really even real... (You'll see what I mean if you play it) But for the most part it deals with the main story and not any romantic stuff.