Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Return the Sign Up option (7)

1 Name: YHWH !KbCMBAU6ys : 2017-01-06 21:35 ID:J6wYLcOJ [Del]

I'm going to be honest, I'd like the sign up option back as well as the member count. However, I'm not to found of users taking names such as "Shizuo Heiwajima" Or "Kanra".

Think we should make names that match the canon characters blocked or left just for admins only. It's rather frustrating to have a bunch of 12 year olds trying to pretend they are special for having the user name "Celty".

I really miss the old days of this forum, when Durarara was popular and people spent more time here. I'd like to resurrect that a bit, but maybe that's just me. The series ended with the release of Sunset with Orihara, maybe letting go and moving on would be better?
Or maybe...
We should write our own Durarara, the one in the real world. The second gen.

Just a thought! Have fun kids~!

2 Name: YHWH !KbCMBAU6ys : 2017-01-06 21:46 ID:J6wYLcOJ [Del]

I'll elaborate on this. In Durarara the Dollars site allowed people to be notified a bit more immediately if something happened, or so it seemed.
It allowed the admin to send mass messages that anyone could ten reply to and then any one could see.
It was more social. It would be nice to have a real chat, one where you could make rooms and keep them. Private rooms just for you and your friends that stick around and you can access them later. A tad more like how it was in the anime.( Even though in the anime it seemed to be more separate emails and chats, I don't so a problem in merging it. After all it was all associated.)
Let me know if you like this idea, if this thread gets enough attention maybe our "Mikado" will give it a thought.

3 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-01-07 03:09 ID:YJ8S/oVT [Del]

If you'd like to do so, maybe you could suggest this to the admin? The admin's email is on the right bar underneath the QR Code. I wouldn't have an issue with or without the sign up option.
Good luck.

4 Name: Strong Power : 2017-01-08 14:00 ID:HVHMOq7y [Del]

There's already an app for Dollars on the App store, but I'm not sure if it's the real one. But I think an app would solve the problem we are having now. It would make response time much quicker, giving people notifications and information more quickly. To access it, we have to give the password (like the official site) and once we have a username, we cannot change it (of course, the usernames can be restricted to not allow canon character names). I know this is a lot of work, but it would pay off in the long run.

5 Name: Red Blade : 2017-01-09 14:55 ID:gNCf3EbF [Del]

I think this is a really good idea. I want to see the website/app be like it was in the anime. Bump!

6 Name: The Anony Mouse : 2017-01-11 12:01 ID:STMefFj9 [Del]

Why don't we start the Pounds? Or the Yen? Make a different website and spread it the way they did it in the anime.

7 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-01-22 22:59 ID:xk1hFFNU [Del]

The site never had a sign up option. Are you thinking of what was in place before the Countries board to list who was from where?

If I recall right, the member counter was removed because it was eating up the bandwidth. (Not to mention that it was highly inaccurate.)