Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















New Password (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-13 12:01 ID:AX/to/Oc [Del]

Hey guys, i was thinking that we could get a new password. not that i don't appreciate all the new dollars, but i think that having just to google our password is kind of cheating.

2 Name: SkullHaven : 2015-11-13 12:16 ID:PmTtqnd4 [Del]

well thats a good idea but the newer people who want to help might not get the new password

3 Name: SkullHaven : 2015-11-13 12:18 ID:PmTtqnd4 [Del]

And i completely agree with you just searching isn't cool

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-13 14:41 ID:imxpo2XC [Del]

I wonder who the site admin is?

Maybe he or she is anonymous?

Site admin, hear our call. Don't you have anything to contribute to this?

5 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-13 18:53 ID:XL/onAja [Del]

The password isn't necessarily for security purposes, though. It's the canon password that is used in the series for the "real" (fictional) Dollars group. It serves as somewhat of a validation and connection to the Dollars roots. Anyways, you can easily bypass the password by linking directly to a different page on the site (only the splashpage is password-protected, not the rest of the site), so I see no difference if the password is changed.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-13 18:56 ID:imxpo2XC [Del]

Oh yeah, i forgot about that. It's a shame we can't have a password but oh well.

7 Name: RYMS : 2015-11-14 06:52 ID:L5SvKpAs [Del]

if we make a new one, how will we know what is whithout googling it?

8 Name: Morgan0277 : 2015-11-16 19:12 ID:IXbEQw2v [Del]

what if we made it something from the anime that only people that watched the anime will know? Like, we could put a question and the person will have to answer it based on the Durarara Anime

9 Name: burnMEalive : 2015-11-16 19:15 ID:4kRGuoiY [Del]

what good would that do? the point of the group in the show is to make the world a better place, what good would locking out people interested in this because they didn't watch the show do?

10 Name: Blanc : 2015-11-16 19:34 ID:Yph4gKqo [Del]

Exactly how would we implement this?
Think, how exactly would we tell all the current members the new password without causing the exact same problem?

Also (I know tons of you will lie about this), but not many people could enter the password the first time they reached the site, most people searched it up or re-watched the episode.

A new password can really not happen.
Also, there are so, so many posts about this idea that are all equally as poorly thought out. Please respond to the biggest one you can find, rather than making new posts.

11 Name: Kazuminage !.MPIcugAXo : 2015-11-16 21:05 ID:yk2+6PIc [Del]

I'll be truthful, I googled it. But so what? The Dollars are about community-- if you want to join, join. Mikado never blocked anyone. Neither should we. If a person or group of Dollars get out of hand, we'll deal with it.