Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Your opinions (12)

1 Name: Hezakaya : 2015-10-24 06:42 ID:uzdx31dv [Del]

Good day, I am Hezakaya.

I am in this organization for several months. You may have not noticed me because I never actually posted once. I silently read the posts usually on the Main and Missions threads. We may be a virtual organization that is inherited from a certain anime. Most of us do missions such as writing on sticky notes that has an enlighting message. We can do simple tasks such as donating, helping, assisting, and other sorts of charity. For instance, if we were a bit observant about the society, we will be able to realize that almost every country has corrupt governments. Including some of the threats in mankind. I know if we moe in order to stop this menaces, we won't be able to completely change the world. But we could progress by doing missions that require manpower. I'm not saying that we should do this but do you people think we can do this? What if the world falls into anarchy? Like war. Are we able to cooperate? This is a simple organisation adapted from a decent anime. I will await for everyone's opinions.

I respect if everyone wants to keep the Dollars this way (which is actually fine) but I'm only curious if anyone has encountered this thought. But please, no need to be harsh when giving out your opinion. I'll be happy if you point out something wrong in my opinion nicely.

2 Name: Maiki : 2015-10-24 14:18 ID:jfTXGQhy [Del]

Truth to be told, I kinda agree with your post. Im also cool with this site's current status, but, sometimes, we just have to use other ways to prove ourselves, right? And that would be, maybe, writing papers and all ((, which are the many missions right now)) or manpower

3 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-10-24 19:02 ID:5Be1R/ht [Del]

I think we have the possibility. We certainly have the numbers and we are so globally spread that we could nearly assist any area. But do I see it happening? No, not unless we organize ourselves. Some people wish to keep the site the way it is, some use it as a social site. I, myself am one of those that want to change the world for the better and actually want to see change.

4 Name: Kyasurin : 2015-10-25 01:59 ID:nsw4vn3v [Del]

I agree. This world does need help and very few people are trying to help.. It saddens me to know that all of these people on here are just using it for what you said before. The Dollars aren't a social media group, we are a group that is supposed to make a difference and change the world! I'm all about helping out others and I have joined multiple clubs at my school that involve helping others. The first order of business in the FCCLA is going to be a secret, but it's going to be big.

5 Name: Kyasurin : 2015-10-25 02:01 ID:nsw4vn3v [Del]

Please excuse my poor sentences.. I am very tired..

6 Name: Io : 2015-10-26 04:46 ID:vJotHixB [Del]

Cooperation and ideas are probably what we're lacking the most here. We've got the numbers and a large portion of us seem to want to do something but not everyone's always on the same page. We're scattered around the world so it's hard to think up good missions worth investing effort into which includes everyone and not just one or two within a local area.

7 Name: ZON : 2015-10-26 08:09 ID:pUia325H [Del]

It looks like a lot of people are making gmail accounts just for this. This way, we can be more organized when trying to do (a) mission(s). I think we can, at least slowly better the world using this as a means to better organize ourselves.

IDK. Do you guys think we can use gmail to orchestrate more demanding missions?

8 Name: Blanc : 2015-10-26 19:22 ID:Yph4gKqo [Del]

There are countless threads like this.
All saying things like 'fix the government', but people already try to combat this. Not mentioning the fact that 90% of people on here have no intention of ever completing the missions.

Yes, that kind of organization would be great and I'm already working on it, sit tight.

9 Name: theBIGBADBASSDRUM : 2015-10-26 20:28 ID:zvPgrQxl [Del]

I think everything we do should be peaceful and lawful. if peaceful cannot be attained, at least orderly

10 Name: Saleb : 2015-10-27 08:28 ID:MEN6IlpS [Del]

I think this can be something awesome. My only concern is staying neutral though. I'm worried that if we do this, and everyone's opinions take over, where others don't agree it could create chaos and havoc among the Dollars themselves. But I think if we do things right something AWESOME can come out this!! Thanks for sharing!!

11 Name: Nhuzal : 2015-10-30 15:54 ID:qzRvOewF [Del]

I'm so confused :D? How did this anime made storyline group turn into such a organization on combatting the government :D? I don't know how you guys think but I'm here to read what this website is doing.

12 Name: DJ Babe : 2015-10-30 22:15 ID:E0fpaNpV [Del]

I honestly do not think we will be able to corporate with each other. If we all had understanding for each other, I think maybe an anarchy would have happened already. Unfortunately, racism and hatred exists still strongly in this world. Someone will always want to rule and dominate over others. Even if the corrupt govts. are overtaken, the same vicious cycle may reoccur