Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















A Science Board (8)

1 Name: Crossark : 2015-02-24 08:06 ID:OGUBmtjr [Del]

I'm fairly new here, but I picked up this site pretty quickly. I was in Personal earlier when it crossed my mind that I should start a neurology/psychology board. I thought it would be best to put it in the Science board, but, when I looked over to the right, I found that there is no Science board. The closest thing we have is Technology, and that's not necessarily dedicated to Science. I suggest we form one.

Now, I recognize the issue present. "Science" is a very broad term, and we'd probably need a lot of sub-boards. However, I really think we need a better place to have the sort of discussions that don't quite fit in Technology. I definitely don't want to feel like the only place I can post a really deep thread is in Random. Perhaps, to mitigate the issues of sub-boards, we could just go with the major sections on Wikipedia's Branches of Science article.

2 Name: Winry : 2015-02-24 10:58 ID:MOTteFSw [Del]

I agree that we need a science thread. How would we do that though?

3 Name: H.O.P.E. : 2015-02-24 13:09 ID:oJrpqGXv [Del]

I agree with the creation of a Science Board. Still, that has to be created by the admin(s) right? If that is the case: Please admin, I would love to see some other Science subjects discussed in here. Especially because Science in general is a really important topic.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-25 13:34 ID:0sg1q+Zl [Del]

We have a whole Technology board that hardly gets used compared to the rest of the site.

I don't think this would get very much use.

5 Name: Obsession Obsessor "!nMMTDJBSxM : 2016-03-01 10:51 ID:zOT0MgZ1 [Del]

I would wish for a Science board.
Technology should be a subsection within it.
I was actually about to make this thread myself, until I remembered to ook through the "All Threads" option.

Anyways, Bump.

6 Name: Obsession Obsessor "!nMMTDJBSxM : 2016-03-01 10:53 ID:zOT0MgZ1 [Del]

There is actually another request for it, so I was about to make a third request. xD

7 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-03-03 07:59 ID:dYlZj2tg [Del]

Alright. Tanaka and I are willing to lobby Reltair for this. BUT. We will not moderate this. YOU must be the ones to actually moderate it or it's not going to work with a fairly good chance of it being deleted.

8 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-04 21:00 ID:3zaxixaU [Del]

Im willing to moderate the science board.. I hope this will be established.. I'm into science..