Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Google/Apple App for Dollars website (17)

1 Name: kanshou87 : 2013-08-21 16:48 ID:fQiOoTLY [Del]

I would like to suggest the admin to come out with google/Apple app that supports this website for better access especially for smartphone users. For example, when I clicked on the chatroom tab using via my smartphone, it couldn't load. The main page kept coming out instead of the chatbox menu.
Plus, we can update our status more regularly if we have the app. What do you guys think?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-21 17:22 ID:hedd7kCA [Del]

If you want to get into the chat, just type the URL out. 12 things to type out isn't intensive for you to be lazy, now is it.

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-21 18:03 ID:DsQ0jd8S [Del]

You're asking the admin to program something from scratch - please take that into consideration. It's not something they just check off on a list of features and have delivered for them to install on their server.

If someone were to make an app that displayed updates for this site, that would be great. But it's not the admin's job any more than it's his job to even keep this site up and running with no cost on our part.

People have tried and ultimately bailed on us (see the Technology board), but it's not really too difficult all things considered. We do have a working RSS feed that people use for updating/notification applications like Rainmeter already, so it's just a matter of implementing that.

4 Name: kanshou87 : 2013-08-21 19:12 ID:M/qKPjOe [Del]

@Anonymous It's not about lazy. I'm facing error when I key in the url and does not work for me. Anyways, it's just a suggestion, so let's not be too harsh on that.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: kanshou87 : 2013-08-21 19:13 ID:M/qKPjOe [Del]

@Misuto Thanks for highlighting the issue. I'm still new to this board so there is a lot for me to explore.

7 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-21 19:38 ID:DsQ0jd8S [Del]

If it's the technical issue you wanted to highlight, could've made that the topic title - at a glance it looks like your focus is on making an app.

The thing about the chatroom is that it's entirely separate from our site, so we have no real way to solve that kind of problem. Though, I think someone's working on releasing a BBS chatroom over in the Technology board.

At any rate, read the FAQ thread on the Main board for info on that - it's an issue that comes up rather frequently.

8 Name: Miwizawari : 2013-08-22 05:52 ID:XqUbi1vy [Del]

please make one for android...

9 Name: Kano : 2014-10-02 04:20 ID:RFcj9W9s [Del]

Make one for android too

10 Name: Vino : 2014-10-02 16:17 ID:wFJ4V9H1 [Del]

what about windows phone ;_;

11 Name: onezx : 2014-10-03 10:18 ID:yMmzuAdf [Del]

As for now, should we make a new chat group via an app that anyone can use on whatever phone they have? It would be nice to talk to dollars when we are not near a computer

12 Name: Shogoki : 2014-10-03 13:42 ID:HRiP8BL5 [Del]

I use an ipod touch, so if you could do an Apple app it will be cool x)

13 Name: AnoniimaLR : 2014-10-20 04:23 ID:AT9E3fze [Del]

I think is a good idea, i like to talk in the chat with the mobile :D

14 Name: Izanii : 2014-10-20 14:02 ID:k7mBpcrH [Del]

But we should still be flexible. For example, i'm not allowed to have apps...

15 Name: obscurum : 2014-10-30 23:26 ID:luXOvRhx [Del]

an app would be useful. considering im usually surfing the interwebs from my phone.

16 Name: DanceDance!Mk9ZUbMVmg : 2014-11-08 13:12 ID:j6w5jg20 [Del]

I'm working on an Android app right now, but don't count on it coming out anytime soon - I'm just doing it in my free time.

17 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2014-11-09 13:00 ID:kmtevc4h [Del]

Theres already an app. Just wish more knew about it and it was more refined. Also the version i got is not on the market. It was 3rd party but please continue whatever work you are doing. We will very much appreciate it. Thanx