Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Organization Option (5)

1 Name: Caedis : 2012-09-15 20:05 ID:XOgVp667 [Del]

So I searching for keywords and skimmed the titles, and couldn't find anything like this so I hope it hasn't been mentioned yet. But I think a great option to add to the site would be the ability to select whether you want the threads to show in order of post count or in order of date posted/most recently posted in. Because frequently I am only able to get on for a few minutes and only want to see "what's New" which is hard to do as in some cases, the newest thread, has already been bumped a few threads down. So I think adding a dropbar to let us select how we want to organize the thread view, would be great.

2 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-09-16 02:03 ID:QTm0dUTq [Del]

If you can't scroll down and view the shit, why should people here make it easier for you to be that much more lazy? I can find anything on one board in under a minute. You can, too.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-16 12:47 ID:IUvouaEj [Del]

If I'm understanding this correctly, OP wants us to have an option of seeing just post counts or seeing the order of threads by most recent dates?

Well for the latter, it's already there. "Last post" would be the column you're looking for, and even then, all newer posts posted on a thread bumps the thread to the top, so you'd get an idea whether a thread was inactive or not.

4 Name: Caedis : 2012-09-16 14:18 ID:hhyZxTp4 [Del]

Okay seriously? It was just a suggestion to give optional organization to the website. It has nothing to do with being lazy it has to do with differences in the way I enjoy viewing a site. My brain happens to register chronological orders better. Websites like youtube offer the option to view by "most relevant," "date added," or "most views" for a reason. So how about not being so rude to me?

5 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-16 16:01 ID:LORiNvh4 [Del]

Please calm yourself.
The option to add organization might be viable if you get enough people to agree with you, as no suggestion is taken seriously without the backing of multiple members.
The fact that said organization is needed is a moot point, considering we have a view all threads option. I understand how you might want to organize threads by other ways, but it honestly seems rather unnecessary right now.