1 Name: Shizuo.H~ : 2015-10-11 11:03 ID:Y8iMnBTj [Del]
Yo. Something you guys better read if you have kids, know kids or are a kid and want to go trick or treating on Halloween. I'm not saying don't do it. But read this and be careful about what's been put in your buckets.
2 Name: pooooop : 2015-10-11 15:37 ID:c/Y0bsI+ [Del]
yep this is pretty scary for us.
But i do doubt that people will waste their own ectasy for trick or treating - it costs an okay amount of money no?
And im sure if u tag along u can see what they give to your kids, im guessing it'll more likely happen with houses with teenagers or middle aged people.
you can also do a little taste taste your self :D go enjoy yourself at the adult party at night.
3 Name: Shiro Itami !9mYpcCN5Mw : 2015-10-12 18:10 ID:dlVKiJfj [Del]
Stay safe everyone during the Halloween season.
4 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-10-12 19:33 ID:svvjG2j5 [Del]
Jesus Christ... Imma have ta step up my mom game. My buddies be going trick-or-treating this year, pray to the lord some dumb rich fuck isn't handing out drugs, hahahaha! Doubt it'll happen though, 'le~!
5 Name: Molina Keruno : 2015-10-12 20:36 ID:fkaJLb2B [Del]
My parents always check before we eat any of our candy, because of reasons like drugs and sharp objects being put into them.
6 Name: Decim : 2015-10-15 17:34 ID:ibs2magA [Del]
One time someone made brownies with weed in them and gave them to little children on Halloween, of cource the children were intoxicated but only for a while. And the person who made the brownies was arrested.
Make sure you check the
candy before you, or your children eat it.
(Just a silly story)
7 Name: John : 2015-10-16 14:57 ID:ZNBg8UpO [Del]
Horrible that some people think it's ness carry too do things like this, and too children noless.
Bump, keep your kids safe Dollars.
8 Name: Jel : 2015-10-16 21:29 ID:SvKEws3S [Del]
Very interesting, but I have heard otherwise:
Not to say you shouldn't be careful though. Especially if you live in a... questionable area.
9 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-18 09:55 ID:DfysjYKP (Image: 1920x1080 jpg, 228 kb) [Del]
Now, I know what I'll cook for Halloween.
Recipe: https://youtu.be/c06uNMoeUbc?t=36s