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News Board
You saw something on TV or on the Internet that is interesting? Share it with all the other Dollars members here.


1 Name: Anti-Fascism Anonymous : 2025-03-01 14:24 ID:CXIT9kqF [Del]

Whether you're trans, questioning, or a cis person who knows that your birthrights to hormone-replacement therapy are non-negotiable - trans or not, cross-sex HRT, etc.

Rest assured: those rich, old, straight white men will not get away with bullying those who are most vulnerable.


1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-01 14:12 ID:CXIT9kqF [Del]

Red Flag Alert (4)

1 Name: Starlight : 2025-01-25 10:03 ID:CrmZWUE0 [Del]

The USA is on Red Flag Alert, Code for Genocide and Facism. To all foreign friends keep watch carefully put pressure on your government's, to all USA Citizens please stay safe. Start learning combative tactics. Hopefully we'll come out of this alive.

2 Name: Hallowfire : 2025-02-02 21:21 ID:8UyIEktK [Del]

I completely agree with the emergency red flags sentiment, but rather than just saying warnings, we should probably research and post strategies for fighting against fascism with more than just your voting power. It's going to be extremely important from now on to live life with rebellion and resistance constantly in the back of our minds.(jeez, what a privileged thought, as if many weren't already thinking like that)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-07 15:57 ID:TxdE01kS [Del]

Yes to both of you.

4 Name: CosmicOcean : 2025-02-13 19:40 ID:FYxhEBX8 [Del]

Don't forget to stay safe online as well
I would recommend a getting a VPN

UHC Incident (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2024-12-10 15:39 ID:vd85TYyi [Del]

This assassination will be talked about for a long time from now. What are your thoughts on it?

3 Name: Ol’a : 2024-12-20 03:54 ID:E9Jv/A5Q [Del]

I’m surprised there haven’t been more copycats

4 Name: Iris : 2025-01-13 05:26 ID:X+pIT170 [Del]

Well I'm sure there has been but were just not hearing about it

5 Name: Greyart : 2025-01-22 07:29 ID:DwraRvae [Del]

I think bro really cooked

Newsboard Guidelines (Please Read Before Posting Anything) (64)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-03-21 03:56 ID:l1vyiSyI [Del]

News Board is not for listing a personal experience or a memory. It's to give FACTUAL EVIDENCE about an event within your community or something on an international scale. You can also discuss your opinions with members regarding the news you posted.

It has to be an actual news, and not just something you saw or heard. We recommend that you provide articles/evidences as proof. It also has to be RELEVANT and TIMELY

>>2 Examples of Actual News posted here
>>3 Examples about what isn't news

If you’re having thoughts whether what you have in mind or what you found is news board worthy or not, we recommend posting it here in this thread so we could help you find facts about it.

62 Name: Sa : 2024-09-24 10:01 ID:FhlpZag7 [Del]


63 Name: annxra : 2024-10-14 05:58 ID:0r1Vtdas [Del]


64 Name: Anonymous : 2024-12-22 22:11 ID:WoUAChXj [Del]


Law overturned (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-06-25 00:56 ID:FIli6SAR [Del]

Bro I love how women’s rights are completely disregarded where I live

29 Name: Anon : 2023-11-26 13:37 ID:PM8S+mF9 [Del]

>>28. Lol, I'm a guy, yes.

That's what everyone should be, honestly.

Guys really have it so easy, and we still complain about shit.

Let's stop being overspoiled brats for a day, at least - can we, fellas?

30 Name: GRIMM~_~ : 2024-08-14 19:26 ID:z1J8QfDh [Del]

So True ~_~

31 Name: Atolla !jelly.y.Vo : 2024-10-09 22:50 ID:rNBEv4J1 [Del]

If I were to die tomorrow and I didn't check off on my ID that I wanted to be an organ donor, no one would be legally allowed to harvest any of my parts to give to another currently alive person, no matter how desperately it was needed for them to live. So it's kind of wild to me that a fetus causes a person to have less rights to their bodily autonomy than a corpse does.

Any people that have free time just share a quick stories please do!!! (1)

1 Name: CAt : 2024-09-18 10:04 ID:NxY8nItQ [Del]

One time when i was in class, there was a fire alarm that went of. My school was pretty old so the alarm went off sometimes and caused big problems but the alarm just got fixed a week ago. I was in the student help comity so I was aware of this and we announced this the day after it was fixed, but the day it was fixed was also a testing day were every student had a 34 question problem with HEADPHONES on so they don't get distracted. This was supposed to happen a week later but the teacher operating it was not going to be here then so they moved it up WITHOUT telling my group so we knew nothing about this, and since we were working with the school events and such we had are test already. Anyway, when the alarm went of some of the students heard this and asked the supervisors about this but the supervisors in the classrooms weren't from are school and came in that day to watch the students, but for all they know the alarm wasn't working so when the alarm went off during the test, they just told all the students to sit calm and continue. This happened in almost all of the classes except the two classes next to the classroom with the fire in it. No one was badly hurt, but 4 students in the room with the fire hurt there legs while running out of the building.

Thanks for reading!

Storms/Typhoon/Hurricane Season in East and Southeast Asia (1)

1 Name: Aki_$ : 2024-09-05 15:23 ID:vXnF844I [Del]

Since the end of August, Philippines have been hit by back to back typhoons. As a country directly facing the Pacific Ocean we are kind of used to it but the floods, landslides and general disruptions are causing a lot of problems in our society. The neighboring countries are also affected since most of the storms that pass through are transferred to the next countries.

To anyone living in the eastern/southeastern part of Asia, please be safe. Stay alert and vigilant. Prepare and be protected. If possible, help each other and don't give up hope. It is time to stand together and stay strong.

Riot In Leeds - Does anyone know exactly what happened? (4)

1 Name: Annxra : 2024-07-20 19:33 ID:jlQdLA91 [Del]

Anyone hear about the riot in Leeds? Happened at the 18th July. I don't really know why this happened, but all I know was that there was police being pelted with rocks and bottles, along with a force vehicle flipped over and a bus on fire. Does anyone know exactly what happened?

2 Name: Fernando : 2024-08-07 16:09 ID:D/t5poz4 [Del]

They are angry about their country being invaded by browns and blacks.

3 Name: GRIMM~_~ : 2024-08-14 19:18 ID:T9uVthHy [Del]

Such terrible discrimination TT

4 Name: Annxra : 2024-08-20 09:38 ID:RDjqXcM7 [Del]

I forgot to post on here, but there was one that was supposed to happen around where I live, and every store closed everywhere and I wasn't really allowed to go anywhere either

neighborhood-watch (5)

1 Name: 0dd1y : 2023-11-04 12:50 ID:L50yEO+w [Del]

( WARNING : This individual is a Ped0philia AND / Angry Karen / Misandrist, Misanthropist,

also Armed with a Concealed Weapon / EXTREMELY VIOLENT and DANGEROUS

( COMMITTED : Abetting, Brutality, Child-p0rn0graphy, Endangerment,


( LAST SEEN AROUND : North Side or East End, VA, USA )——-

GENDER: Female

AGE: Elder
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3 Name: 0dd1y : 2023-11-04 17:25 ID:tKkb8Fmt [Del]

Our (Neighborhood-Watch) Community Is Informing You Individual You Need To Avoid!!!

**This individual is Paedophilia,

( Individual is a Pedophilia, and committed: Absenteeism, Bestiality, Cyber-flashing, , Food-waste )

(( LAST FREQUENTLY SEEN LOCATED: Central-Virginia, United States ))

RACE: Black

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4 Name: 0dd1y : 2023-11-11 09:11 ID:6KcdVVW5 [Del]

this old elder is 100% pedophiliea encuraging their daughters to save pics of youngers in nude you need to avoid them

5 Name: GRIMM~_~ : 2024-08-14 19:28 ID:z1J8QfDh [Del]

What are they still out there >~<
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