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Should I Go Into Country Music? (2)

1 Name: Nise : 2021-04-05 19:51 ID:B0RSfF2A [Del]

Today I learned that my voice is very suited to sing country music and I might have some good opportunities if I pursue it. I've always wanted to have a career in music, it's always been my passion, but I really don't like country music. I've got some junk mixed up in my feelings about it (if it had more of an effect on me I'd call it trauma. It's like Trauma Lite)

I've tried to find other opportunities for many other genres, but none have worked out for me. So I fear it may be my only way into the field of mainstream music.

Should I keep looking for different opportunities or should I try to find a way to work out my issues and go with country music?

2 Name: Von U.M. : 2021-04-12 15:20 ID:YSzEq+ai [Del]

I wouldn't suggest it. If you just wanted the money then I'd say yeah go for it but if it's to do something you like it's a surefire way to hate music. I did something I didn't want to (you could even say I had a mini/medium trauma about it), all it resulted in was me drinking even more than usual (and I drink a lot), having extreme depression, anger management issues, a few borderline ulcers and hating anything remotely related to it.

I'm not gonna pretend I'm some musical expert, but to my ears most country songs have a pretty normal range so as long as you practice you could sing other genres just fine. My voice is so low that it practically sounds like I'm growling so I can't even sing as a hobby much.

In the end, all I can say is either don't bother or try it but be ready to quit if it bothers you. It all depends on your personality (how much are you willing to endure, how much of an issue you have with country). My experiences lead me to the thought that if you don't fully like it, it's not worth doing.