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Any E_ve fans? (5)

1 Name: Arashi : 2020-11-17 19:02 ID:MVmeEf3n [Del]

E_ve is a Japanese artist/songwriter who is known mostly for his incredible animated music videos and unique voice. He’s been getting recognition recently since he did the opening song for the anime Jujutsu Kaisen.He also has written a Manga related to his music videos that kinda tells the overall story. So if you're into this genre of music or just wanna try something new I recommend diving headfirst into the E_ve rabbit hole.

2 Name: w : 2020-11-19 00:36 ID:LoH27KBi [Del]

I really loved "bunka". I don't really dig his recent releases but Kaikai Kitan was god tier from start to finish.

3 Name: Arashi : 2020-11-19 16:00 ID:44xpOETn [Del]

Ye, Kaikai Kitan was an absolute banger. And when it comes to "bunka" Dramaturgy and As You Like it are my favorites.

4 Name: Skeptix : 2020-11-20 14:14 ID:TzOHzoe9 [Del]

I thought the name was familiar. This morning I looked up the JuJustu Kaisen op just to watch it for the Parkour Panda. I also added the song to my "Weeb Shit" playlist. Guy sounds good but haven't listened to the other works. Maybe I will though with the recommendation :O

5 Name: Arashi : 2020-11-21 02:31 ID:MVmeEf3n [Del]

Well a lot of E_ves animated music videos have a deeper meaning or are a metaphor. Some of the easier ones to understand are “As You Like It”, “Promise”, “Sister” and “Heart Forecast”. However, if you wanna just dive straight in, “Dramagatury” and “We are still Underground ” are some of my favorites, though you kinda gotta dig a bit in the comments to understand what the hell is going on. Eve has a bunch of high quality songs that have been fully animated plus some bangers from early in his career, if the song is all your after and not the animation. But, if I had to recommend just one music video/song, I think it would be Sister. The song is emotional and is really personal to E_ve, and while the visuals aren’t as big budget as some of his other songs, it's pretty easy to understand so I’d say give that one a shot. (But honestly after you watch one the YouTube algorithm will take care of the rest for you ;)