Dollars BBS | Music
















BTS (4)

1 Name: Katsu : 2018-10-19 14:01 ID:abuFWA/e (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 90 kb) [Del]

src/1539975666031.jpg: 1024x768, 90 kb
Hey, I've been listening to this band for about a year now and there amazing... There worldwide (handsome) and there very popular. I really suggest you listen to them, there called BTS and there amazing. There music video's r amazing and they are BOYS!! Good songs by them are: Tear, MIC DROP, IDOL, Fake Love and The Truth Untold...

2 Name: onchyophoran : 2018-10-21 21:06 ID:zhygpdCr [Del]

I refuse to listen to them (or any other KPOP group)—why should perpetrators of human rights abuses get my views or any of the associated ad revenue? They don't deserve my money, nor anyone else's. What these talent agencies and record labels do to these children is only barely legal, if not outright illegal—just look up 노예 계약, or 'Slave Contracts.'

Also, couldn't you have had the least bit of decency to bump one of the other 20 or so (failed) BTS threads to shill for them instead of clogging up the frontpage with yet another thread that will get like 5 replies and then fall dead?

3 Name: KookiesAndTae : 2018-10-24 08:56 ID:2Yl/u44D [Del]

I wanna marry em

4 Name: NightWalker : 2018-11-02 23:07 ID:fgvMaxXm [Del]

Look, I have loved K-pop since I was in middle school. Waaay before BTS blew up. Hell, my first K-pop song that got me hooked was 2pm- I'll be back. I just think its sad that NOW, people are appreciating other music. Don't get me wrong, BTS songs are jams and they sound poppin. I just don't wanna be THAT fan who goes crazy and drools over every idol I see. They are human too and I will respect them. This is their full-time job and they are doing an amazing job.