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What songs make u cry and why ? (7)

1 Name: TheBackGround : 2018-08-02 01:52 ID:jdBL52uE [Del]

idk I know its random af but u know idk this one song 505 makes me think about most of my past and my past makes me sad really really sad, and this one song from green day wake me up when September ends , I don't recall if I listen to the lyrics but September was an emotional reak for me and I really wanted it to move on to November but yeah i have cried bc of that song alright i wanted now its your turn

2 Name: Proteus(Ky) : 2018-08-03 15:40 ID:mhp9w8rS [Del]

505 by the arctic monkeys? It makes me want to cry tbh and I'm not sure why. It's like I'm missing out on something that I need to get to fast.

3 Name: IndustrialCrab : 2018-08-04 19:41 ID:ByX/di8U [Del]

Roman Sky by Avenged Sevenfold is a sad but unique song that tells an amazing story, that brings out both tears of joy, and sadness. Also, Macy's Day Parade by Green Day, just because of the very somber acoustic and vocals, as well as the nostalgic appeal of the song.

4 Name: Esrioas!H6t9bRs9E2 : 2018-08-08 15:56 ID:w1xkHaEe [Del]

Chloe Adams- the doctor said
Having been through many different mental illnesses and not always recieving proper treatment, this song makes me think back to a much sadder point in my life. It’s a beautiful song, but sad.

Anna Clendening- to my parents
I’ve pretty much always felt like a disappointment to my parents and this song is basically all about that.
In the same theme is also Simple Plan- perfect

5 Name: Chrome : 2018-08-14 12:26 ID:2Yl/u44D [Del]

Cancer (the TOP ver.) makes me cry so much no matter how much I try to keep it in. It reminds me of one of my teachers from middle school. She was a nice woman. I really loved her.

6 Name: Nia : 2018-08-15 14:00 ID:9KvB5i8L [Del]

ODDS&ENDS by ryo ft. Hatsune Miku

Eight Hundred by Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku

(I also like JubyPhonic's English cover of Eight Hundred which can be found here:

The lyrics in both songs make me cry so much and honestly I'm not sure why. I think I somehow relate to both songs even though they're both about things and people who are very different from me and my experiences.

7 Name: Siegrandir : 2018-08-16 02:14 ID:jLnQ85og [Del]

Juju - Hello Again
after I watched the video clip, it's just right, warm and kinda sad.