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Instrument help!! (2)

1 Name: Ellh : 2018-02-17 03:30 ID:0tI6SoOx [Del]

Hey guys! So, I have a bit of a problem. So, a little thing about me..

I'm one of those people who say "Wow!! I wanna do/learn [insert any hobby, or in this case, instrument here]! I'll get one, I'll take the time to really learn this, and I'll become really good!"

And then I don't. I spent the money to get whatever, but I don't.

And I realize this about myself and I hate it. And I REALLY wanna change. I bought a harmonica once, and I really liked playing it, but I just stopped. I still have it, so maybe I could start with that with the problem I'm facing.

But anyway! I really took a liking to the bass guitar! And see, I'd really like to learn it, but I'm seeing the red flags here.

1. It's an impulse intrigue. I didn't have a desire to play bass since I was little or anything, and I have no prior music experience. None.

2. The bass guitar isn't something you just pick up and play, it takes a lot of investment, and needs respect before picking it up.

But see, I wanna overcome this. I wanna take to something and actually stick with it for once, I wanna change myself. Any advice would be appreciated. Should I go for the bass? Something smaller? Try and focus on my harmonica and teach myself discipline there first? And where would I even begin if I DID get a bass guitar? If ANYONE could help in any way, I'd deeply appreciate it. Am I being stupid and overzealous? Tell me, if so!

2 Name: Alan S. : 2018-02-17 18:10 ID:p6MFj1Ep [Del]

Hey there Ellh!

I can see where you're coming from. Wanting to learn something and be good at it is something we all strive to achieve. Some of these things can be rather complex like becoming president but they can also be oh so very simple like wanting to learn how to cook rice.

And of course we have Instruments. Music instruments are a wonderful thing however they can be very difficult to master. Especially nowadays when we seek instant gratification for our efforts.

Not saying thats a you thing, i feel like most people nowadays think that way due to how we're being treated in certain aspects (much like a dog expecting a treat after performing a trick)

With that being said it seems like you really want to overcome this through learning and instrument.

But first i have a question: whats your history with music? You said you had a harmonica. Why did you get it? Was it just for the lolz and giggles? Either way i think its important to think WHY you want to learn said thing. Do you want to impress your friends? Play a song at your wedding? do you want to do this as a career?

Its questions like those where i often see how serious people are with music.

As a reference:
Ive been surrounded by music for most of my life. Not through my family but my natural affinity for it. I play around 5 instruments currently. I dont remember how or why it happened. But i know i had my reasons. So i kept at it. And now i own a recording studio with a few friends of mine.

You need to take a deep long look into yourself and ask yourself that one simple question: Why?

If you can answer that with a truly great answer and reason i say stick to it! However it can be an answer you mold yourself to fit your criteria of a good answer and reason. It may take time to manifest but you should NEVER actively shape and mold that answer!

However theres a chance that music isnt your true calling either. Try to think back to when you were but a wee child and think of all the favourite things you liked to do! Ask your parents or childhood friends if you need to! You might be talented in a different field like the visual arts!

Of course im not saying its impossible for you to learn an instrument if you dont have a history or affinity to it. It'll just be a tougher road for you to keep yourself on.

If you ever have any questions i'd be happy to help you out whenever. I think i'll be lurking around here for a while longer.

Much love and regard,

Alan S.