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Favorite band of all time? (10)

1 Name: ジンタ : 2017-02-12 01:54 ID:XOo2Qofj (Image: 180x269 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1486886096702.jpg: 180x269, 12 kb
What is every bodies favorite band of all time?
Mine is easily Galileo Galilei, been listening to them since I was a little boy. Since 2007 they stole my heart and I'm sad they are no longer together but they will have my heart always.

2 Name: Shinobu : 2017-02-12 01:57 ID:rsLJF/fc [Del]

Amazarashi and 凛として時雨. I need to buy the concert ticket for amazarashi's concert in april~

3 Name: Der_Metzgermeister !Sr07PHPMN. : 2017-02-12 09:59 ID:DyfMMkwh [Del]

I made a post about them in the music discovery thread, which appears to be lost now, but my favorite band of all time would have to be Oomph!, a Neue Deutsche Härte band that is often credited with creating the subgenre. They've been going strong since 1990, and have a wide variety of different playong styles, from heavier, to darker, to wavy-er, and so on. They sing mostly in German, but also sing in English and are working on a Russian song based on fan submitted poems. I've only known about them for about a little less than a year, but I absolutely love their work.

4 Name: カーノ : 2017-02-16 22:30 ID:qBufkK1O [Del]

I've been really into The Oral Cigarettes lately, but an all time favourite would be UVERworld

5 Name: Heero588 : 2017-02-20 02:45 ID:3yjOI4OZ [Del]

Aerosmith is mine. Been listening to them for as long as I can remember.

6 Name: ANGELOFDEATH : 2017-02-24 12:24 ID:G1uSAZsd [Del]

I'd have to say that my favourite band would be Black Veil Brides. I've been listening to them since 2007 and I connect to their lyrics.

7 Name: Wanderer : 2017-03-02 09:00 ID:xSeYF/rm [Del]

mine would have to be either Queen or Green Day

8 Name: Unbekannt : 2017-03-12 19:24 ID:14jiFe0D [Del]

Monoral for me, its been my favorite for a few days now but before this it was King Crimson, both are great btw, Monoral is basically a japanese band that only sings in english, and its not shitty "engrish" (im looking at you berserk) but the singer actually sounds american, they do sound a lot like King Crimson and Monoral even sung a song called "Kiri" which was the opening to a (semi)popular anime back in the day called Ergo Proxy, so yeah

9 Name: Ritsu : 2017-03-16 14:47 ID:3w0YglFp [Del]

My favorite band at the moment would have to be Three Days Grace

10 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-03-17 09:22 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

Hard to say. The Strokes and The Mars Volta are certainly contenders, though.