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How does one start a music preforming career? (2)

1 Name: Rou riu : 2016-05-21 00:38 ID:6dyaRrMJ [Del]

I am a drummer and want it to be my career, in fact I have a goal I want to reach. Buying need to know how bands start out, I don't just want to be a local band. But I'm just asking anyone who has experience or knows something. Where do I start and where do I go from there?

2 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-05-21 01:37 ID:ojaT36YG [Del]

If you want to form a band and get any amount of buzz, you're almost definitely going to have to have a day job, and well-paying one at that. If all you're doing is playing music, then you can't really expect to make a decent living. And you will have to start small, so there's no way you can avoid being in a "local band," if a band is how you want to pursue this. And as you've probably guessed, it won't be easy making money, in fact it'll be really, really difficult, if not completely improbable. I know a lot of amazingly talented local bands who've been active for years, released multiple albums, and toured all over the country (some even the world) playing to hundred of people and selling their merch and CDs, but still barely breaking even.

What I'm saying is that there's almost no way you'll be able to make this work unless you start small, and even then it probably won't happen. You've gotta be incredibly passionate and incredibly persistent just to be able to create your music. So it's best to approach being a musician more as a labour of love than as a possible career path. People say it's almost impossible, and there's a reason for that.

In any case, local bands are fucking awesome. I don't why you don't want to be in one, but if there's any kind of music scene in your area, get involved in it.