Dollars BBS | Music
















Help me please !!! (4)

1 Name: Tanaka : 2016-02-02 16:47 ID:YgPMzLIm [Del]

Hello, I was a pianist, I played piano while six years and since 2013 I have stopped piano. Recently, a friend called me to join her music collective composed of two singer and one beatboxer. But their level is very higher than me and I don't know if I will can.
I have always played classical music and they played contemporary music, when I went to the mini-rehearsal I wasn't able to play anything, to accompanying the singer. They told me that I'll used to it, but I think they over-estimating me, I don't know what I have to do.
Tasukete kudasai, onegaishimasu ?

2 Name: Calvary : 2016-02-03 15:53 ID:Lr5ob7CJ [Del]

Music in general is just something to get used to. Practice over and over until it's natural, kinda like you would in a sport or with driving. Just feel overall confident in yourself and you'll be able to do it. With enough enthusiasm, it'll feel like a breeze. I'm a musician, but I've only played about 2 or 3 years, but it wasn't necessary talent as much as it was confidence that I could play in bands and gigs. And overtime you'll gradually be able to pick up that talent and play so well you'll impress your friends entirely.

3 Name: Em.Cana : 2016-02-05 14:46 ID:tdIj/hOx [Del]

Did you begin practicing again? If yes, how much time do you spend on it? As someone who's been a guitarist for almost 11 years now, I play at least one hour everyday. It paid off so much! I can say I take pride in the things I'm now able to do. All that to say: daily practice is the key. One hour may seem like a lot, but really, the true professionals out there often practice over 3 hours a day (and that's a euphemism right there). I understand the pressure you're going through, I've been there too (it even gave me this huge inferiority complex that I absolutely hate). Just practice everyday. That's all you have to do. People will constantly overestimate or underestimate you, I can attest to that, but you have to understand that you don't have to be better than anyone to be talented. There's even this saying: if you're the best in a band, quit it. Don't take it 100% seriously though! I'm just saying it's okay not to be there yet, but there's a way to get to it eventually: daily practice. You just have to believe in yourself and keep going! :) Good luck! Don't forget to be yourself and take care through the whole thing!

4 Name: Tanaka : 2016-02-06 18:42 ID:YgPMzLIm [Del]

Thank you you two for your answer, I think I have to try and work hard, practising to success. Thank you again and I will apply your advices.