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Self teach piano?? (2)

1 Name: tayakun !F1YQAmCCEk : 2015-09-10 07:48 ID:6cLzMpmU [Del]


Okay, so this weekend I'm moving an old unused (but working) keyboard into my room. I'm a beginner in violin and know the basics to things like reading notes but other than that, I know nothing.
I don't have enough money to get lessons, nor do I want to stop playing violin.
I know a few people who self taught themselves and they all play very well so I'm wondering if its actually possible?
Do any of you pianists have any tips or recommendations? I'm not sure where to start lol

2 Name: イサオ : 2015-09-10 08:32 ID:dbVaC9bW [Del]

Oh for pianists I'd probably start with stuff you like to play I mean, that's usually the best, then start incoroporating practice exercises I guess. The biggest mistake is trying a piece that is really out of your league early on. It's better to first learn something simpler to get the hang of things, I mean YES we do all want to play that awesome song, but first start simple, then of course try something challenging but not TOO insane. Trying challenging pieces and mastering them are how you get better really.

Same as violin, I've played violin for quite a while and I do have a few practice exercises but I remember eventually you just practice increasingly harder songs, instruments is all about practice. Also don't feel too disheartened for violin, it's a hard instrument getting good sound is probably gonna take a while, whereas piano is much easier. I personally found learning other instruments way easier after learning violin, since it's like just a string, no frets no keys just your fingers you can get like half sharps and flats etc.

Anyway I digress, I think it's good to train your ear first off, it will help you a lot later on especially with pieces with 4 flats, those were horrid to learn, though really beautiful hahaha.