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Guitar playing? (8)

1 Name: Shiro : 2015-03-03 00:44 ID:6qBbXPZi [Del]

So, the semester has started about 4 weeks ago? It think:/ I really wanted to take guitar class but I couldn't because of my tight and busy academic schedule, and I kind of wanted to take textiles (for the love of cosplay!) How do I convince my parents to allow me to take guitar lessons? If I can't go to lessons, how do I become a better player? (I really wanted to start a band XD)Thank you Dollars for all your support <3

2 Name: KO : 2015-03-03 08:09 ID:klXzlJsH [Del]

1. get a guitar
2. get a tuning app from phone store. Tune in EADGBe.
2. learn basic chords: C, G, E, Em, A, Am, D, Dm
3. then proceed with bar-chords: F, Fm, B, Bm
4. Realise that bar-chords inherited the CAGE system, where it's merely a repeat of A/ E/ Am/ Em chords with the index finger as a capo.
5. learn Power Chords
6. learn Palm muting
7. learn Major scales
8. learn the foundation of 4 chords to play any pop music
#Tips - Major scale has I ii iii IV V vi vii*
focus on I, IV, V and vi

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: KO : 2015-03-03 08:18 ID:klXzlJsH [Del]

9. learn adding flavours to chords through
suspended4 chords like Dsus4, Asus4,
suspended2 chords like Dsus2, Asus2
seventh chords like D7, G7,
diminish chords...

#tips suspended4 or 2 is just changing the third note in the triad to either the 2nd or 4th in the scale.

eg. D chord = D F# A
Dsus4 = D G A
Dsus2 = D E A

5 Name: KO : 2015-03-03 08:22 ID:klXzlJsH [Del]

If u really want to learn, go google and youtube.
I couldn't afford any guitar lessons as I'm kinda poor.
If I can, you can too.

6 Name: Raviel : 2015-03-03 13:03 ID:EJzcAMk1 [Del]

There are many vids of youtube about your problem.

7 Name: HotRod418 : 2015-03-05 20:22 ID:s9Y+gAUN [Del]

You can also try looking up tabs. They're an alternative to regular notes that make it much easier to learn how to play a song. Also if you've got an Xbox or Playstation try Rocksmith. It's kinda like Guitar Hero except you use your own real guitar. The song difficulties increase with your skill level and it also has some lessons too.

8 Name: Raiden!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-03-05 21:02 ID:xYuPH/JS [Del]

As a guitarist going on 6 plus years, your best thing to do is play everyday and learn from your mistakes.