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Changing in musical instruments too much (4)

1 Name: wjwj : 2014-08-28 23:42 ID:bghBe77S (Image: 500x318 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1409287332683.jpg: 500x318, 24 kb
I'm having a problem choosing a music instrument to stick with. At first I had a spanish guitar when I was very younger, around 8-9 and learned it didn't sound like anything I heard on the radio.

Little sooner, I was old enough to buy my own guitar, electric and acoustic. But lately I haven't played much lately until I reached high school on my second year where I'm the only one in the house since my sister moved out.

Also during the time I played a saxophone during all three years of middle school too so that adds up to a LOT of money since I never had a passion for playing other than it sounded jazzy and rasp which I like! My dad payed for the saxophone and my electric guitar. The acoustic I bought on my own.

Now I'm thinking of switching to bass from watching the gorillaz music video on how murdoc is having fun with the bass how full it makes the song sound and I feel guilt on how much instruments that my dad brought for me while I barely used to play the guitar in my later years in middle school.

I remembered on playing bass on a small band I preformed in a guitar store program that has kids form bands for one night and preform. I was once on a song on a bass and remembered how much more fun it was to play pinball wizard on the bass than the guitar. (But I still love playing the guitar)

Should I get a bass or I'm buying too many musical instruments?
I'm just having trouble figuring what instrument I feel is right for me.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-29 09:44 ID:W+h9CMyT [Del]

if u have the money for it, why not?

bass and guitar is closely similar, though practicing with the bass might be difficult since it sounds pretty weird playing solo, unless it was a solo track. But it sounds pretty cool with ballad and jazz songs

3 Name: Kazehachi!V/vi9gujn6 : 2014-10-20 01:33 ID:EZJumVYR [Del]

I'd say stick with what you have right now and pick one to master very closely. The others you can use on the side.

4 Name: _Takami_ : 2014-10-20 06:42 ID:3m/4JnPn [Del]

From what you're saying, sounds like you really wanna do bass.
So - Go for it!