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The music from XXI century (2)

1 Name: Setton : 2013-09-06 06:56 ID:rzslq9fG [Del]


I have thought about the music from now, and i think that it's more different of the music from XIX century. Now, more of the music that the people hears it's type reggeaton, or disco's music and that are songs that the lyrics aren't understood.

Before, in the XIX century the music was very good, for example the beatles, Queen inter alia.

What do you think about it?

2 Name: Butterfly : 2013-09-06 11:02 ID:7NVBYx1U [Del]

Honestly, I think it's just another clash in tastes. Every generation switches back and forth in heart. A lot of people are calling the whole dubstep/electronic/dance thing the "new disco." Which is kind of true, less emphasis on lyrics and more on being able to rave to it. Tons of flashing lights, and really really strange clothes. And just how there were tons of "I hate disco" trends, there are a lot of "I hate dubstep" trends (I know not all the 'wubby' stuff is dubstep, it's merely an example. I know all the subgenre stuff exists, and that there is a big difference between electronic and dance and dubstep; again, merely an example.)

And of course, there is always a fascination with the music from before the current ones. Just as last generation [generally] was huge into the Beatles still, this one is into Queen (I find the two have a similar style of production; genre breaking. They both have songs on both ends of the rock spectrum, soft&whiney, crazy&wild, etc.) And if you look at it, more are falling into Queen, and less into the Beatles. We're slowly just moving what we consider "nostalgic" further up in time as we move further up in time. It's just a generation thing.

Music was good, and is good. And while we think the whole thing has changed; I think the music industry is just repeating itself. Switching back and forth between "rock and disco" (the two genres that seem to never stop fighting.) Whatever the technical name for the genre be: punk, metal, electronic, dance; I believe at heart they are all the same rock or disco. I'm actually kind of curious to see how far back this alternating trend goes, because it seems that for as long as I can think of there has always been a period of lyrical music, and then music more focused on the music itself.