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Music Game (6)

1 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-03 23:24 ID:jgxBXHhS [Del]

Okay, so I'm making this thread despite my hatred of threads that have to be short. I figured I'd make a fun game on Music Board for all of you to enjoy.

Get an ipod, mp3 player, or other device that you listen to music on. Make sure it it a device where you chose what songs are on it, so no apps like Pandora or Slacker, unless you want to risk the chance of getting a crappy song. The same thing goes for if you'd like to risk using the radio. Put your songs on shuffle, and now listen.

The first song is what people think about you.
The second song describes your life.
The third song describes your future wife or husband.
The fourth song is what you scream during sex.
The fifth song is how you will die.

Please tell me what songs you got, post links, and add some commentary of how you think it turned out and why!

You also get bonus points if you can guess where I got this idea from. They are pretty much useless, but you should learn to appreciate the little things. I don't give out bonus points often.

2 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-04 00:16 ID:jgxBXHhS [Del]

The Hand the Feeds by Nine Inch Nails

Apparently people think that I act against those I depend upon, and they wonder when I'm going to stop.

We're all to Blame by Sum 41

I think that human's ignorance, hate, fear, and greed are causing the destruction of the world? We're trying to fix it, but we don't know that we are the cause of it, therefor our efforts are not only in vain, but they're shaming us.

Or you could say it like this

My ignorance, hate, fear, and greed are causing my own destruction? I'm trying to fix it, but I don't know that I am the cause of it, therefor my efforts are not only in vain, but they're shaming me.

The first one makes more sense. The second is true, but the fact that I know that it's true makes it wrong because it saying I'm ignorant to it. Maybe I'm just ignorant to the extent or there's something that I'm doing that's hurting me, but I don't know? Either way, next song.

Soul Society by Kamelot

This kind of creeps me out. I already seeing a tough future marriage, fuck. My husband will be a huge pessimist. He will wish that there was a heaven, but he won't believe in it because human reason can find an answer to everything. He'll be trying to find an answer to everything, but will never understand that we can't understand everything. People will hate him for it, but he won't understand why because he only does it in hopes of helping people. He wants a perfect world. He thinks were all small pieces of a larger puzzle. To a point where he feels small and useless. Which is why he seeks the greater truth.

I agree with a lot of that, because I'm a realist, but that's a little extreme. It scares me thinking about marrying a guy like that.

Karma by Kamelot

I'm apparently an egotistical bitch with a god complex during sex. I'm pure evil with bad karma. I'm hallucinating obviously and want someone to give me their good karma to cancel out my bad in order for them to get this kingdom that I think I have. I'm fucked, no pun intended, and want a good ending because I have that much of a god complex. Apparently, I'd have to be high on something to have sex.

Because of Me by Seether

I'm full of myself, and people tremble in my presence. I can tell that something is wrong and that I will die. I'll fall and be worried about someone stabbing me in the back because I'm the only person that'll get hurt from it. I'm against a guy who think he's going to win. I think he'll chicken out again, and all of his hard work will be for nothing. I won't be able to stop thinking about him because he's odd. I like to cause pain as much as people like to love. Somebody saved me, and I feel like a badass because nobody risked their life for this guy. People should attack me as soon as they see me, because I'm super evil. I'll kill them anyways. I'm the only person who gets hurt from my stupid mistakes and it's my fault. I also like seeing pain and suffering. This side of me gets me killed I guess.

I must have gotten very corrupt somewhere, because I'm noticing a god-complex, evil, and pain-inducing in my life. This is not good at all. I was kind of worried about the sex one, and with good reason. From what I got from this all, my husband will be super emo. I'll have a God complex. I must hate my husband a lot because I'll only have sex when I'm high. I act against those I depend upon which must cause the egotistical personality that gets my ass killed. The reason why I did that is because I have no hope for humanity.

My life looks gruesome and cruel. Wish me luck. I don't know how I can be an optimist after seeing this.

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-04 09:35 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

Don't really care about "bonus points," but this type of thing has been on social networking sites such as Facebook since their creation, and have probably existed on the internet as early as music-shuffling devices have been around. So meh.


1- Periphery - Jetpacks Was Yes!!
Well then apparently they think I'm reaching for a way out of this dream, and that I'm wasting my breath ascending, since fears lead me astray, the past brings them to be. What's left to carry MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2- Scud Mountain Boys - Penthouse In The Woods
Fitting that the artist is from my state. And the album that's on is even titled as such.

3- Thrice - Backdraft
It seems my future wife will set me on fire. SO I CAN LEARN MY REAL NAME AND SPEAK IT.

4- Tenacious D - Roadie
Fucking perfect, guys. Just fucking perfect. Here's an excerpt from the song, actually

"Then a beautiful girl come to me she say "Heyya, can I suck-uh your dick?"
I say "YAYS. I am in looooove."
Then she quickly say "I suck'd yo dick, now gimme dat backstage pass. I do not want you, roadie.
I want KG's chode.


5- Bruce Springsteen - Into The Fire
Damnit, now I'm sad. Apparently I will become a courageous firefighter and die saving people's lives from a terrorist attack of such extravagance as the likes of 9/11.

It's a good way to go out, but chillingly sorrowful.

T'was fun, actually. Good post, Leigha. Good post.

4 Name: TB Cloverfields : 2012-08-04 11:49 ID:FPRf4Tvn [Del]

Tell her by Jesse McCartney: Okay, what. I suppose this song describes some sort of guy out there telling me he misses me and…Oh no. *headdesk* There’s this one guy who’s about three years younger than me that claims all of these feelings and says he has some sort of emotional connection to me and BLARGH. I don’t even hang out with him all that much…!
No, bad song.

With arms wide open, by Creed: I actually don’t listen to this song all that much…But maybe it means to open your arms and just let everything in? Which is definitely what I have to do. I gotta stop being so…guilty all the time and just…hug EVERYTHING :D

Sweet Dreams by Eruythmics: This is scary. But I suppose it’s the way of how I view love. I have this…weird, sick and twisted image of it. I view myself as being completely worthless to have someone, and also because I’m insecure that doesn’t help either. …I suppose the whole future thing in contrast to the love being a part of some ‘sweet dreams’ would entitle it to be fake, and then thus I would lose myself in the fake feeling and just dance around without a care in the world. That makes no sense, I know, but give me credit, will you? It’s 2am here XD.

CaramellDansen by Caramel: This explains itself, I suppose. *Caramel Danses*

Hide by Red: This one explains itself also. *raises both eyebrows* I’m too tired to give an explanation, so meh.

5 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-10-02 21:00 ID:YZkKsdlq [Del]

I guess I'll play again to bump this up. I'm kind of cheating because I keep refreshing my playlist until I can get songs that I understand. It's kind of hard now because so many of the songs on my playlist are songs that either aren't in English, I don't understand the meaning, or have no words.

Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi
If you don't know this song, you fail at life. It's excellent. People think I move from place to place trying to get home and there are wanted posters everywhere of me? People must think I'm pretty kick ass if this is how they think about me. I also apparently live a depressing life where I can't hold anyone close to me because I'm always moving around. The people I meet are people like me as well. I live a lonely life. I enjoy going around playing music and living life and I won't let anyone get in my way. I will live life to the fullest damn it! If you think you can stop me, then FUCK YOU!

House of Cards by Madina Lake
It's been a while since I've listened to this song. Everyone thinks that I'm afraid to be alone, but I'm apparently pretty kick ass. I'm not kick ass in the way that people think I am (based on the previous song), but I'm awesome still. People will be amazing at how well I keep secrets and lie. I don't trust people. It's a shame that my life turned out this way. No one can love me. I guess I'm also pretty depressing (in the same way but for a different reason than the last song).

A Song of Ice and Fire by Within Temptation
My future husband will always lie to me. He's dead inside. He tries to bury his memories and hide them. Our love won't be like what it used to be. He can't see how our love has changed and I wonder why it changed. It makes me hate my life and get depressed. I feel like that there's nothing good left in life. My husband will go crazy and it'll drive me nuts. I want his love to over come the hatred. He's running from his memories, but he can never outrun them. I want the old him to return to me. I want him to return to the way he was when we fell in love. My love life will my future husband will be depressing.

The Pendulous Fall by Kamelot
Oh my... fuck. This is a really depressing thing to scream during sex. I'm basically degrading my lover while we fuck. I'm telling him that he's weak and that he needs to escape his life. I'm telling him that he can escape, but he most likely won't make it back. I'm basically telling him that his life sucks but it's completely worth it. I'm just saying, any guy who can stay hard while I'm screaming this is fucked up. His life sucks, but I can't help him because I'm heartbroken too. Then I continue to yell at him saying that he can escape this shitty life, and ask him if he'll consider it. I'm screaming this during sex, so I must be a terrible lover that sucks at saying kinky shit while fucking someone. I must really hate this guy to scream this while fucking him. Now I'm even more depressed. My whole life is depressing so far.

Never too Late by Three Days Grace
Oh fuck. This does not sound like it'll be a good ending. I'm depressed about the world. It's not what I expected. It's obvious that I don't belong here. I won't give up everything to make you feel like it's not to late. I'm trying to convince this person that I care about that it's going to be okay, but they want to end their life (Dude, what's with me caring about fucked up people?). We're trying to live, and I'm telling this person it'd not too late. Nobody will see the truth even though they're part of it. It's obvious that there's something wrong. I give up everything to make this important person feel like it's not too late (which probably includes my life). I'm flashing back to me telling them it'll be okay and they want to kill themself. Life won't be the same (Duh, I'm dead). I'm still upset that this world isn't what I expected and I don't belong, as I die. I still want them to understand that it's not too late. Fuck, now I'm depressed.

So depressing. The only fucking times I care about someone they change and I end up killing myself so that they won't kill themself. WHERE'S THE FUCKING LOGIC? I'm a terrible lover because I degrade my partner while we fuck. He's ignoring me because he's somehow still hard as I scream this. My husband lied to me about loving me and changed after we got married. I still love him. I want him to return to loving me. I'm amazing at lying and hiding my true self and feelings. I trust nobody and hate the way my life turned out. People think I'm pretty kick ass, but I live a lonely life. They think I don't like staying in one spot or with the same people for too long.

I'm so depressed! Okay, people do not really think that of me. I get many mixed ideas of how people view me, but it usually comes with being smart, creepy, and ulterior motive. I may not like people and not trust them, but I'm not that depressing. I still hang around the same people and all that. IF I marry a guy and he stops loving me, I'm getting a fucking divorce. I'm not going to put myself through that shit hoping he'll change. People never change because they always refuse to change. Fuck you. I will not focus on degrading my lover while having sex. I may be a bitch, but that would ruin a good fuck. I'm not that much of a bitch. I might try to get someone to cheer up when they're depressed, but I won't kill myself over it. There's always another way to get someone to cheer the fuck up. If I killed myself over it, then that'd guarantee that they'll kill themself because they'll blame themself for my death. I'm not that stupid, and I'm smart enough to get someone to cheer up without committing suicide.

This reading was too depressing. Both of my readings suck. I know that I have awesome songs, why can't any of those come up here? I go from depressing in an evil way to depressing in a crying way. I must listen to very depressing music.

6 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-10-02 21:32 ID:3eA0dafL [Del]

Mmk. I'll try this with my ipod, which by no means is the best selection of music that I have.

Last of the American Girls by Green Day

I guess people think that I'm a dying breed. Which is kind of true I guess. I'd rather stay an home and read a book instead of partying or what ever.

Somebody Told Me by the Killers

I guess I'm always hearing things second hand which is actually pretty true.

<a href="Words you want your link to be in.">Poker Face Feat. Gumi

My future husband and I aren't good at conveying our feelings?

A-cha by Super Junior

Not too bad of a thing to scream during sex. I could've gotten something weird like Walk or Sugar, we're going down.

Aku no Musume Feat. Rin

Oh, God. My head will be chopped off...