Dollars BBS | Music
















Music Board
Talk about your favorite songs, band, genre, or if you play an instrument.

Te Bloquie En Insta--- (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-03 20:05 ID:L1+xYSaP [Del]

---pero por otra cuenta veo tus historias.

Tu numero lo borre. No se pa' que si me lo se de memoria.

Me hiciste daño, y asi te extraño.

Y aunque se que un dia te voy a olvidar,
Aún no lo hago, es complicado.

To' lo que hicimos me gusta recordar.

Ando manejando por las calles que me besaste.
Oyendo las canciones que un dia me dedicaste.
Te diria que volvieras, pero eso no se pide.
Mejor le pido a dios que me cuide.
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And It Starts (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:56 ID:owT/90Jy [Del]

Sometime around midnight

Or at least that's when you lose yourself for a minute or two

7 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 23:21 ID:owT/90Jy [Del]

Then she leaves

With someone you don't know

But she makes sure you saw her
She looks right at you and bolts

As she walks out the door, your blood boiling
Your stomach in ropes

Oh & your friends say, "What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."

8 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 23:25 ID:owT/90Jy [Del]

Then you walk

Under the streetlights

& you're too drunk to notice that everyone's staring at you

You just don't care what you look like, the world is falling around you

9 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 23:30 ID:owT/90Jy [Del]

You just have to see her.

You just have to see her.

You just have to see her.

You just have to see her.

You just have to see her
You know that she'll break you in two.

- by The Airborne Toxic Event

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Just finished a orchestra concert :) (2)

1 Name: Puniru IS in fact a kawii slime : 2025-02-20 16:05 ID:NEjBHObo (Image: 1080x1814 jpg, 262 kb) [Del]

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Ngl. Was Lowkey kinda hard...

2 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-21 22:07 ID:dTj3+5l7 [Del]

Man it must of been fun!

Make your own music? Plug it here! (415)

1 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2012-11-14 19:59 ID:Rs2r115N [Del]

The title says it all. I see a couple threads here and there of "Me and some friends wanna start a band" but nothing ever seems to come of it. What this thread is for is basically, if you have a song you wrote that you wanna share, throw it in here. If it picks up enough to the point where a separate location for discussion of your music alone seems nice, then you could make a new thread. I just think it'd be better to consolidate all those small posts to one thread.

Plus, I wanted to post my music to you guys. >.>

I've been playing and writing music for a long time now. Unfortunately I don't have a decent recording setup yet, so I only have programmed music to post. I kinda just write whatever I feel like, mainly guitar driven but not confined to any one genre. Feedback is appreciated.

And I swear I went through the board twice and saw nothing like this. If by some twist of fate this thread is a dupe I deserve every ounce of ridicule.

413 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2024-12-06 17:34 ID:G6IV5isY (Image: 2236x2236 jpg, 492 kb) [Del]

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Back from the dead! I don't think I've posted on the BBS since 2016/2017 as almost everyone I was close with from that era of the site moved over to other platforms to stay in touch. As for this bump, I started a bedroom music project around when I joined the BBS in high school circa 2012. Scroll up and you'll find tons of (kinda shitty sounding and otherwise desperate) posts of mine. I didn't really know what to do with myself.

Fast forward: this past summer, I released my debut solo LP under the alias I've used since the start: The Heist Revenge. The album has six songs, all in varying degrees of a post-hardcore/punk vein, and the lyrics were inspired by (and written from the perspective of) various characters in the hit anime FLCL. If anyone wants to give it a listen, here is the Bandcamp page and here is the YouTube stream. There are currently no plans to add it to Spotify/Apple Music/etc because A) it's financially unviable for me rn and B) the audio would likely need a remaster to get it fully to spec, but it's still listenable quality as it stands and a far cry from the noise I was making under the same name a dozen years ago. Time flies, huh?

414 Name: SamuraiSx : 2024-12-29 04:54 ID:XvU1oqYr [Del]

Not having time to manage my creations yet. I have just one shallow recording of my piano piece long ago created, inspired by Western European Christmas carols. Maybe someone will find it fancy, so just sharing. x) Also I'm all in for opinions and share impressions if you'd like!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!

415 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-04 07:14 ID:qmk9M2sd [Del]

Check out Bartlett Beatz on #SoundCloud

If you like what you hear could you please follow me it would mean alot I don't have too many followers yet so I hope you like my music

NIGHTMARE (jp vk band) - First-Ever European Tour for 25th Anniversary ~ (2)

1 Name: SamuraiSx : 2024-12-29 04:48 ID:VDsUeji6 (Image: 830x871 jpg, 383 kb) [Del]

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For all visual kei listeners in Europe, finally, we have Nightmare touring here!
Legendary visual kei band with their legendary song used as Opening for the anime Death Note.

At first vocalist Yomi said they will never give concerts abroad because he is afraid of flight, but here we are now in 2024 and they finally gave in! x)
Here is the schedule for their tour called THE WORLD 2025.

I honestly can't wait! I am still deciding which city I should choose cause of the date and destination to be closer to me.

2 Name: SamuraiSx : 2024-12-29 05:02 ID:XvU1oqYr [Del]

here some more songs, dropping for those who wanna try out this wonderful band x)


The World -
Shian -
レゾンデートル Raison d'etre -
Dirty -
Konoha -
Vermilion -

What is your favourite song lately? (18)

1 Name: imiarunashi : 2024-03-04 18:04 ID:OfHL3mvO [Del]

Mine are:

愛包ダンスホール (cheerful, energetic, cute in a way)

往業支離 (very epic)

16 Name: Emanon : 2024-10-05 21:10 ID:m4H913OA [Del]

When In Heaven by Kitchens of Distinction

17 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-06 15:22 ID:FCVbqrY9 [Del]

My favorate song right now is Demestic De Violance by ADO an Japanese singer

18 Name: SamuraiSx : 2024-12-29 04:56 ID:XvU1oqYr [Del]

Definitely new k-pop trot-like song: MYTRO - Bomb Bomb Bomb ~
catchy and positive, and easy to listen to without some destructive techno/dubstep effects. When I a cleaning the home and my papers this really cheers me up.

Never Easy - it never gets easier (1)

1 Name: Rock : 2024-12-01 07:08 ID:rBo5s1Z1 (Image: 350x350 jpg, 41 kb) [Del]

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This guys sound dope !
never easy is a shoegaze band, yet the Deftones vibe is real. They literally sound like they are from the late 90s, early 2000s.
Their newest record came out this year.
Link to bandcamp:

Also, their song "show me" -

And "stay" ( you probably heard this in yt and fb reels lol ) -

New nu metal (1)

1 Name: Rock : 2024-11-15 13:44 ID:rBo5s1Z1 (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 26 kb) [Del]

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I posted on Facebook, in a nu metal fan club, that I need some actual new nu metal bands and I got a LOT. I decided to post them here for everyone to give a listen to, if your into that kinda stuff.

So here we go:

BodyWeb - a british nu metal band, with post-hardcore influences. Really raw sound, they sound like they came out in the 2000s, but their debut EP was released in 2023. Their EP "Train Wreck Simulation" -
Also, this track is sick, very bouncy chorus -

.bhp - these ones, however, blew my mind. A polish nu metal band, actual old school nu metal. Their debut album came out in 2022. and the girl that sings for them is so cool and badass. Crownless - Web of Shadows (this one is a favourite) - And the full album -

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Jazz (1)

1 Name: Stak : 2024-10-11 13:29 ID:vPvlXR+n [Del]

Hello. I would like to share some Jazz music I really enjoy. I hope you all enjoy this as well.

While listening I recommend going and reading the wikipedia/related website containing information on these musicians/albums.

(Album - Musician - Record Label)

The Bridge - Sonny Rollins - RCA Victor
Search for the New Land - Lee Morgan - Blue Note
Live! - Lou Rawls - Capitol Records
The Messenger - Kurt Elling - Blue Note
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For musical fans around the world (1)

1 Name: XONA : 2024-10-07 15:27 ID:kSklyyO+ [Del]

In France, there is currently a tour of Molière l'opera urbain, an increasingly popular musical (so much so that they're touring again next year).

I'm happy because there are few people interested in musicals here.
So of course I went to see it two days ago! It was awesome. I would even go so far as to say that it's the French Hamilton.Even if it is fundamentally very different there's a similarity in the staging, and it's also the first French musical with so much rap in it. I hope that this will interest English speakers(and others), so that they record the show and translate it into other languages!!
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