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If you were to die today, would you regret your life? (10)

1 Name: 1337 : 2024-08-15 21:03 ID:zoCgJir1 [Del]

What would you change?

2 Name: The Fool !vat6z59Wuk : 2024-08-16 03:51 ID:9kwE4WoJ [Del]

Hmm, mixed feelings here.

My biggest regret would be that I did not dedicate proper time to the Lord or pursue my faith seriously enough in this life, instead indulging in fruitless habits. Unnecessary snacking, empty screen time, laziness and selfishness. Although I'm now beginning to strive to change these things, I haven't made much progress, and I'd be disappointment I couldn't "go further" in this life.

But I would also be disappointed in myself for not making more time with my family on here, being more selfless, or making/cherishing more friendships, and deepening my current ones.

Heh, maybe I'll try to get back in the habit of calling my mom again. ;) Good post that got me thinking, thanks.

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2024-08-16 10:46 ID:2Lh7FOc8 [Del]


Assuming there's no afterlife, no I don't think I will regret it that much. The past 2 years have been such a wacky time for me, more so than I ever experienced before it.

I've been meddling in my campus theatrical troupe since 2022, I learnt acting, crafting hand-props, music-composing, writing scripts, managing stage-play productions, and took 2nd place in a monologue competition of regional university level taking a role of production manager just a few weeks ago. If I were to suddenly be told my life shall ends here, I think I won't take it too badly. I'll just, be glad that its over, I guess. It has been a wonderful journey, but also a mentally taxing one.

I want to pursue computer science degree, I want to become really good at it, I want to be at the forefront of new discoveries and inventions in my field, I want to make a name for myself in university level competitions. But right now, my cumulative score throughout the semesters had been abysmally low due to the hectic schedules of my theatre activities. So those things, I won't be able to achieve it if my life were to end now. I guess that's all I'm gonna regret. But its not like I've been neck-deep in that CS field, so the regret wasn't going to be much heavy I think.

Bonus regrets are probably gonna be due to how I hadn't made my parents proud, repaid their favor for raising me with care, apologies left unsaid to the people that I hurt, the people I didn't get to tell how much I adore, care, love. There are the normal amount of regrets, I think.

4 Name: 1208 : 2024-08-17 16:03 ID:Jy0PoDFM [Del]

My main regret would be not spending quality time with my family due to my current preparation for an IITJEE (Indian institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam). for the past two and half years i have not been hanging out properly with my siblings, not talking to my dad properly (apart from my marks in practice tests), and having minimal contact with my extended family who live overseas from my country. I will appear for this exam in about 7 months, and I genuinely wish I do well enough to get into the top university so that I can have enough free time to hang with my fam.

5 Name: Zomboid : 2024-08-18 06:05 ID:DeVqHAXL [Del]

I am also preparing for the IITJEE exam for about 6 months now and there isnt much time for me to spend with my family. My family is really supportive and i dont get enough chances to thank them so if i were to die now, my main regret would be not showing enough gratitude towards my parents and my siblings.
I really wish to change myself and in general become a better person. But maybe all will have to wait till the exam is over.

6 Name: Warlock : 2024-08-19 17:12 ID:OLPdmxJI [Del]

i have too many regrets as it is. i have too many people to live for, i have someone that needs me, and i have too many goals to to let myself die now.

7 Name: karma : 2024-08-21 14:34 ID:joTvWbtL [Del]

if i'm dying today then it's too late to make any changes
i would probably do something i like and spend time with my family and hope any regret i might feel disappear at the end of the day

8 Name: R3TR0? : 2024-08-22 06:26 ID:6bA60mNR [Del]

Honestly, Yes I've made way too many mistakes leading up to now that I've still yet to fix. if I were to die today I'd have a lot to regret. I let too many people down, friends, family.

9 Name: SummerGrass : 2024-08-24 16:23 ID:gT0nE/Bo [Del]

if i die i die. won't have any regrets first of all because i'm dead but also because i did the best i could with what i had!

10 Name: Izurai : 2024-09-20 05:01 ID:wRH+8dv7 [Del]

I don't think I would regret my life but rather the things that I did not yet do. I've had some good times and good friends which I cherish more than everything.