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whats new in your lives? (25)

1 Name: Over : 2022-06-01 03:32 ID:mjj/hdhx [Del]

whats new in your people's lives? whatever you feel like sharing

2 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-06-01 05:01 ID:OSsUZFmx [Del]

I found my passion a few days ago, then I wrote a wall about it somewhere on the site. So that's really nice..

3 Name: ren!.SqjdxgOcI : 2022-06-01 05:45 ID:bYzS2ms/ [Del]

been studying and i'm going round a friend's to make churros this afternoon :D

4 Name: Over : 2022-06-03 06:15 ID:Sxr+5Pw1 [Del]

ive returned :p u guys have more interesting lives than me :p

5 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-06-03 07:01 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

I participated in a game server for the first time in 5 years. I always (quietly) frequented their chat outside the game and kept track of their dev team's developments but never joined again after the first time. I was on the server for nearly 10 hours straight.

6 Name: electroliz : 2022-06-07 14:40 ID:/qqXKpr+ [Del]

. i finally voice chatted with friends i made in a discord server! after 3 years of hanging out in mmo's and playing party games together.
.got a job. its retail, but its my money! no more stipends from ma.

7 Name: Unlimita : 2022-06-09 01:50 ID:E7ejYwL4 [Del]

I just recently started to study philosophy not long ago. I'm currently going over Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. On another thing, I got back into 3d design since Blender got way better with their more resent upgrades. Feels like it's a better fit for me than Maya.

8 Name: Yuki : 2022-06-11 11:31 ID:FAYgVQqT [Del]

I am about to finish my first year of high school and I think I had a crush on a girl for the first time so guess I am not straight…?

9 Name: Esper : 2022-06-12 12:34 ID:KqUwODXp [Del]

I recently just found out that I really like photography. Everything I see, any small baby leaf or some colorful fruits I walk by from the store — I really like capturing everyday sights and scenerios!

10 Name: llasni : 2022-06-12 22:41 ID:S2KYC6oy [Del]

I've recently signed up to volunteer at a pet shelter and it's my first time volunteering anywhere so I'm looking forward to that.

11 Name: Felisa : 2022-06-15 10:19 ID:htJ4+RTt [Del]

I finally graduated from music school, and at the same time I passed all the exams for the highest score. And she also cut her long hair into a square and dyed it red. Now I feel happy.

12 Name: ice : 2022-06-16 08:09 ID:+ECkYa2l [Del]

i'm excited for my college interview next week, i really love what i'm majoring in! fingers crossed that i pass it.

13 Name: cyno : 2022-06-16 18:53 ID:ilQbTZB7 [Del]

finished school! im starting summer school in a few weeks and i intend to volunteer during the summer.

14 Name: TLBM(C.A) : 2022-06-23 13:21 ID:+hfTcx/v [Del]

Well got released from the army on march. After that. Nothing really.

15 Name: Tsukuyomi : 2022-06-27 13:05 ID:1z8Tk6en [Del]

school is over for the summer for me. i failed horribly but i will make up for it next year i hope. btw if anyone wants to add me on discord my username is : Tsukuyomi#1561

16 Name: Soul : 2022-06-27 15:59 ID:EWXeFegc [Del]

Finally found friends who make living not so hard

17 Name: Tsukuyomi : 2022-06-28 00:55 ID:1z8Tk6en [Del]

that’s cool bro, wish i had that

18 Name: Catastrophy : 2022-06-29 10:50 ID:IReWdEAV [Del]

I finally started HRT after 4 years of trying and going back into college after a gap year for my mental health.

19 Name: S.O.R.A!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2022-06-29 16:58 ID:y9fX6aPZ [Del]

idk, moving on place to place tryin to find a chill place
i think that get nice ppl

20 Name: Sirna : 2022-07-16 14:21 ID:0n0wdMnu [Del]

my parents send me to boarding school, oh man thats very suck
until now i have stressed and like to crazy

21 Name: joir3c : 2022-07-23 14:56 ID:Sjp4WNG1 [Del]

Working in a warehouse now, a lot happier now. I get four days off a week! Fuck yeah!

But also my grandma died and my ex is refusing to pay me over 4 grand he owes me :/

Wins and losses. As is life

22 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-07-26 11:53 ID:OdIwb50i [Del]

Just got a guitar, that's been pretty cool. I'm not completely new to music so it's been refreshing making really quick progress during the beginning stages lol

23 Name: K : 2022-08-01 09:22 ID:GTfL938J [Del]

Have been drawing every day lately. That was fun

24 Name: Shitsuo-san : 2022-08-01 16:50 ID:G+VqhQ2E [Del]

From the || Ikebukuro || chat back in 2016. I've been busy figuring out what I want from life. And missing all my old friends. I also went by Nemo in Hellkyuu.

25 Name: Stesu : 2022-08-01 19:17 ID:JGQ2XEAA [Del]

I finally healed my depression- It still seems crazy to me. I rediscover positive emotions it's really weird but it's amazing T.T