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New kik group (39)

1 Name: Yuuuuup : 2015-09-13 22:45 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

There's a new kik group #teamdollars fill it up guys
Also #dollarsbbs has some space as well so if anyone wants to join do it
#dollars2 needs people
All looking for active members
There are actually a lot of those groups just do a quick search of the name and lots will come up

2 Name: [] : 2015-09-14 02:45 ID:z3OkOrt4 [Del]

What's a kik group?

3 Name: Yuuuuup : 2015-09-14 05:02 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

Kik is a messaging app that you can make any name and just chat to random people. There are groups that you can join and chat with multiple people at the same time. So there are a bunch of dollars groups made so you can talk with fellow members

4 Name: Nana : 2015-09-14 06:27 ID:79TXMLRi [Del]

Thank you really much. I love it. :*

5 Name: EmiHamano : 2015-09-22 07:52 ID:FilP2BZ5 [Del]

joined at #dollarsbbs just now

6 Name: Ceito : 2015-09-22 08:34 ID:X1uqUli8 [Del]

Yas finally

7 Name: EndlessRain : 2015-09-22 08:35 ID:9W/BFokq [Del]

Dollars died because one of the admins made a troll admin, who then started banning everyone. The other admins stopped this by making EVERYONE admin, so he just started spamming instead. So yeah, healthy supply of porn/gore to keep newbies away. We went private. If you wanna join the OG group, leave your kik name below and I'll add you.

8 Name: PlueBabu : 2015-09-22 09:38 ID:lfpPAR95 [Del]

I joined as well..

9 Name: PlueBabu : 2015-09-22 09:39 ID:lfpPAR95 [Del]

PlueBabu that's my kik

10 Name: EmiHamano : 2015-09-22 09:48 ID:FilP2BZ5 [Del]


11 Name: Sticky : 2015-09-22 09:54 ID:a9N7a8Q1 [Del]

GoDeluded is my kik.

12 Name: Ceito : 2015-09-22 10:06 ID:X1uqUli8 [Del]

My Kik name is Ceitou xD

13 Name: Museless : 2015-09-22 15:21 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


14 Name: Prince : 2015-09-22 16:34 ID:YGTzxbyG [Del]

My kik name is Prince...

15 Name: Aijima : 2015-09-22 16:51 ID:iPl/xPIt [Del]

Mine is Rimassu !

16 Name: Chrome : 2015-09-22 21:43 ID:I5RVVfSx [Del]

Mine is Chrome077

17 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-10-13 08:39 ID:/myAi+da [Del]

Le bump ^ - ^

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Axel Hish : 2015-10-13 13:08 ID:g9p8ojhX [Del]

mine's DoucheXmachina

20 Name: Aorkorious !Bto9jWoiPY : 2015-11-11 17:09 ID:ljFKXmA1 [Del]

Are you guys still doing this? If so, please add me. My username is Aorkorious.

21 Name: Dark Razor : 2015-11-11 18:24 ID:Ka4busaO [Del]

If your still doing this mines prisonertoaformula

22 Name: dragontamer1050 : 2015-11-11 18:27 ID:Hbh5dz+k [Del]

Please add me if you can. My kik username is dragontamer1050

23 Name: Z : 2016-01-20 20:42 ID:jbwpfgoh [Del]

zman10010 is mine,how do i join the group

24 Name: Dolphin : 2016-01-20 22:57 ID:2p22Jwyq [Del]

Add me plox, Dolphin_Shark

25 Name: Setton : 2016-01-20 23:24 ID:gQRAkVKT [Del]

My username is katekyohitman4444.

26 Name: Jubjub : 2016-01-21 00:27 ID:uaUHWOx6 [Del]

Username jubjub556

27 Name: Alexander !i1sMbkOk66 : 2016-04-17 07:00 ID:OZMVdR9F [Del]

My username is: Blackisshh

28 Name: Pineapples : 2016-04-17 10:23 ID:DMsMxVR5 [Del]

My username is: PineapplesandDrawing

29 Name: Emma : 2016-04-17 10:35 ID:7fulXken [Del]

My username is EmmaRose2121

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31 Name: Saeko : 2016-04-17 11:35 ID:4ft/++o5 [Del]

My username is CmdrSaeko

32 Name: Shinra : 2016-04-17 11:40 ID:NiZ2pjLX [Del]

Hey everyone. Add me on Kik if you want. Ct7695

33 Name: Seoyr : 2016-04-17 12:01 ID:QBL1TsXH [Del]

Add me on kik yrseo

34 Name: Mako : 2016-04-17 12:13 ID:nXidbxll [Del]

Mine is fandomPsychopath if you wanna add me

35 Name: Heroic !7sNcPyqwoM : 2016-04-17 14:29 ID:I1MdEZVc [Del]

My kik name is Heroic_Luxiro

add me :)

36 Name: bl1nkye : 2016-04-17 21:36 ID:RAVIHAzQ [Del]

bumpity bump

37 Name: Dawn : 2016-04-17 22:10 ID:HZfsRFGs [Del]

Add me please

38 Name: hibiki : 2016-04-18 00:01 ID:7rfh7J++ [Del]

User is hibiki8

39 Name: Kanra Riaru : 2016-04-18 00:05 ID:6t3BCgiY [Del]

add me!
kik: _ahdhchild123
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