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What would you do if you saw a homeless person? (4)

1 Name: Fujukawa : 2014-12-09 09:52 ID:HpVEod+s [Del]

i dont know if this should be here but anyway

What woud you do?

*Give them money
*give them food
*give them clothes
*walk past them and ignore them

What i would do!

*give them some food and drink maybe even clothes if you can,dont give them money because most of the time they spend it on alcohol or drugs.

But,What would you do?

2 Name: lapizlazuilwolf : 2014-12-09 10:02 ID:Fp+j6Ll+ [Del]

I don't believe this really belongs on main... but I think that the alcohol thing is a load of shit. I mean hell, the man isn't going to buy an apartment off 20$ if the guy needs some drinks to make it through his life then let the man have some...or just do both.

3 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2014-12-09 13:13 ID:Nk5L8pjJ [Del]

Some are homeless due to tragic circumstances they had no control over, and work restlessly and desperately to lift out of that situation. Others are homeless due to a mental deficiency they have, where they are put into a program that is in no way medical but help sustain a stable living environment.

There are those who choose to be homeless, but there are always different reasons behind those who chose this. Some are so drugged out, damaged, lazy and depraved that they can't function in any other lifestyle, and they are entirely to blame for that. There are those who have had no other way to get out of a situation that was threatening their safety, whether it be abusive parents, a deranged landlord or sex-traffic victims. Others are criminals who society has turned it's back on.

We are living in a world where children are born into this world homeless, a large number of them grow up homeless and with no education and a life time with very handy skills but that is the life they know so they choose to stay that way. Others who show potential are also put into a program where they are monitored and consistently pushed, and judged lean the ways of society. Others fall heavily into drugs and alcohol, or become criminals. A handful die a young age.

The lucky ones are taken by the state and put into some kind of DCFS program or an orphanage, but this happens so often that there is no way to take every child who is born homeless, so the parents that have them in a wealthy area's children gain this over those who are born homeless in a less prestigious location.

4 Name: Dollars01 : 2014-12-15 22:19 ID:l7OYk/ks [Del]

I would give them food money and clothes but no beer 😉