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How much do you want to know about other people? (13)

1 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-27 12:53 ID:2KLac/uU [Del]

Doesn't it make you sad that we don't know anyone at all really, even if we spend a lot of time with them? Does it make you happy to know you have so much more to learn about everybody? Or does it scare you that if you were to learn more about them, it could ruin the image you have them? Then there's no purpose of learning about their life, is there? Quite simply, I'm asking what you think of all the above questions. Where should we draw the line of knowing someone, and being in someone's life?

2 Name: Cabe : 2012-10-27 18:12 ID:ASRzEVVb [Del]

Depends on how the people that you stay with are, thats what I personally think. Anyways, I don't care about people. I'm fine with or without friends. ''Nandemo ii'' (Whatever it's fine), like a japanese would say. :D

3 Name: LEGION : 2012-10-27 22:32 ID:zwo4KeYj [Del]

People who're threating me from long time ago from the past and presents. It is that I want to change the world.

4 Name: Leihara : 2012-10-27 23:07 ID:UInY2SFl [Del]

i think the more i learn about a person whether its good or bad i feel priveleged with the information and even though itll change my image itll be nice to know that at least i have a clearer one about them

5 Name: ThePsychoIza : 2012-10-28 03:51 ID:xdkMnCcx [Del]

A lot..I want more and more information of everyone,but not get to close.Find out the fun way

6 Name: izaya : 2015-02-13 10:18 ID:rJbfv0U2 [Del]


7 Name: Zoreada : 2015-02-24 09:13 ID:COfDXDbA [Del]

Sometimes with a few people i really want to know more and more about them..., specially if they are dear people to me. But they dont want me to know... or that is what i think, and it is really sad.

8 Name: Hirarira : 2015-02-24 10:29 ID:q//INoAm [Del]

Well, I like to know a lot about other people just like Izaya lol but it's only because I can't really trust someone when I'm not sure he/she is worth it maybe it makes no sense, I don't know
I think that your best friends, close family, bf/gf should know almost everythink about you - it's sometimes dangerous to have secrets and hide your emotions because they would be hurt if the truth had come out
that's only my opinion

9 Name: O3O : 2015-02-24 16:02 ID:z1cL8FPI [Del]

I know a lot since they open up to me

10 Name: Luka : 2015-02-24 16:08 ID:c1X07RS4 [Del]

i believe it is OK to not know something about someone, (there is a point to draw the line) but i like to have a bit of surprise. like to not know that your bff loves Doctor Who or whatever...

11 Name: desu : 2015-02-24 16:27 ID:mbi9OFoV [Del]

if we know everything about a person, they become predictable. If you know little about them, they become untrustworthy. If you continue to learn things about a friend, you might uncover something bad and you won't be friends anymore. If you find out more about an enemy, you might find that you want to be their friend.

Without knowing anything about a person, your relationship with them is hollow. However, if their are uncertainties within your relationship, it makes your faith in them more special.

If you need to more about a friend, then ask them. But if it's something they can't tell you, learn to have some faith in them.


12 Name: TrustMe : 2015-02-24 17:28 ID:/lZJTM9x [Del]

I agree with desu, but I will add that I think different levels of depth are important in relationships. It's great to have a friend or two that you know a lot about, and they know a lot about you. But you can't be super close with everyone, so we can have lots of friends who we socialize with that we don't know their story. I think it is really good and lucky to have someone you can completely open up to though.

13 Name: Nymeria : 2015-02-24 18:03 ID:E26EMyqJ [Del]

Well, it's impossible to know literally everything about an other person. Everybody has little personal secrets that don't tell anyone, even our most beloved ones. There are certain parts about myself that I don't want anyone to know about, but that doesn't mean that other wouldn't know me at all. Even so, that also makes me not feeling the urge of deeply knowing everybody, except for those I fall in love with. About these ones, I want to know every single thought that comes through their mind. I want intimacy to be absolute.

All the people that I believe to know well are those who I've spent many years with, those with whom I've had personal conversations, shared secrets and lived the same moments. For example, you get to know your friends much better when you go on a trip with them, specially when it's about staying at a place where you have to do your own cooking and cleaning. When someone you know has fallen in love, you may get to know they vulnerable side if you talk to them about their feelings. It's all about time and intimacy, about observing and carefully listening to what a person says, analyzing their behavior in different situations.

I used to have great interest on strangers around me, but nowadays I'm better focused on my closest old friends. That's why I have no interest at all on celebrity lifes and reality shows, too. On my friends case, the need to know each other comes with the worries and consideration we have for each other. I mean, when a friend is in trouble, you feel the need of helping them, and you can't do this if you don't know them well. You want to know well a person because you care about her, and that's all. And you want this to be mutual, because we also have the need to share our own feelings and to be understood. But it doesn't mean we have to know every single little thing about each other, neither that we should get this knowledge fast. It's a long process, it takes time, pacience and dedication, even thought it all seems so natural.

Just another important thing about getting to know other people: it also makes you more conscient about yourself. Your judgements on others feelings and thoughts, your reactions, the way you manage to deal with them or help them in a bad situation, all of this show sides of you that you wouldn't know if you spent your life distant and lonely.

Anyway, I could say that I think it's good to not know completly another person. I mean, I can't even say that I completly know myself, how could that ever be possible? But the thing is, discovering slowly detail by detail about other's life and personality is such a delightful part of a relationship! And realizing that there's still a lot to learn about someone is what makes us keeping up with them. I would totally lose my interest on someone who was 100% opened. People are completly complex beings, and it's precisely this complexity that makes us so interesting. Quoting a movie I've recently watched: "People are not monochromatic. We all have different kinds of colors. No one knows what their true color is. But it's good to be colorful and live with various colors".