1 Name: --Jack-- : 2013-05-25 14:06 ID:oDwiFAEI (Image: 1440x849 png, 191 kb) [Del]
I don't usually get on here, but for minecraft fans, I figured I'd post some of my worlds here from now on. I won't ever make the downloads require something or be difficult. That really pisses me off too.
This World is like you think by the name. Your in a mansion and have to escape by finding a key (Lever). It's fairly short and the download is from mediafire.
Directly download: http://www.mediafire.com/?309iyptax6yfa60
Read more in this other thread: http://thecolorless.net/posts/show/55852?offset=0#post-56105
Feel free to say what you think of it here or at the other thread's location: The Colorless.net