2 Name: : 2025-03-09 23:51 ID:2/tyZUK/ [Del]
To list a few:
"Another" (a good one that was popular a while back)
"Higurashi/When they cry"(I would say is more for the gore)
similarly, more within gore action "Mirai Nikki/ Future Diaries"
"Hell girl" Is a a good psychological horror, more based on the thoughts behind the method to character actions (btw, like durarara, hell girl also has a site tied to the show irl)
"Ghost Hunt" is a great one for supernatural horror that really shows the layers to ghosts, etc. you can find.
If you have read the comics, there are some Junji Ito animatics out there as well.
Lastly, "Ghost Hound" is another good psychological horror.
These are some general good ones I remember watching, they are within a rough range of horror anime, but from what I recall (since I mainly watched these in my horror fanatic era lol) there aren't a lot of horror anime, so it's more finding what coincides.
Hope these help!