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Animation Board
Talk about your favorite animated show or recommend one to your fellow Dollars.

Thoughts on durarara (4)

1 Name: Arwa : 2025-03-18 22:01 ID:+t7/5Nv0 [Del]

i finally finished durarara, i seriously cant believe it ,i feel sad and so depressed i seriously cant get the fact that there will be no more of this masterpiece, everything was planned out so well that it cant be described by words, everything about this anime was so great in everything , the characters and developments , the ost and How all the characters have a connection in some type of way its really beautiful, if anyone know the creator of the manga please tell me some of the other works that they've done

2 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2025-03-18 22:36 ID:NB1y7/xP [Del]

Have you seen dufufufu?

3 Name: Arwa : 2025-03-19 08:14 ID:+t7/5Nv0 [Del]

>>2 no i havent , i searched it up and is that supposed to be like a movie or an episode where shizu is fat or something? seems interesting lol , i also still havent watched first seasons ova so it hink thats what im gona do

4 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-25 08:23 ID:WLo6kM60 [Del]

>>3 thanks for saving my search history.

DeviantArt what???

Underrated Anime (22)

1 Name: Elend : 2022-04-06 21:18 ID:UxUEjNUK [Del]

What are some anime that you think are criminally underrated

20 Name: brood : 2025-03-21 21:30 ID:4KgMoPWV [Del]

xxxHolic, Mushi-shi, Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple, Noir, Elfen Lied, Claymore. First two are in my all time top 5. Honorable mention Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

21 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-23 23:46 ID:YlrhccRO [Del]

ajin demi human

22 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-25 08:22 ID:WLo6kM60 (Image: 220x177 png, 49 kb) [Del]

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Puniru is a kawii slime

I think it's extremely important that the first few episodes of an anime are some of the best (1)

1 Name: ViVi on her phone : 2025-03-22 09:35 ID:ctLkB8Q7 [Del]

There's no better way to start a series by catching the viewer's attention and also establishing what to expect in terms of artstyle, plot, and what's unique about it. I think Durarara!! does that perfectly. The first 6 or 7 episodes have this unique feel to them, like every episode is an indivual art piece from intro to outro. I could honestly only watch one a day with how "meaty" the episodes are xD everything from the worldbuilding to the characters to the soundtrack make Durarara!! something truly special, and the way everything's introduced makes it even better.

Another example of this is the anime called K, otherwise known as K-Project. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE, I BEG OF YOU. GO WATCH THE FIRST TWO EPISODES AT THE LEAST. Beware the heavy fanservice, which I admit is a drag. It doesn't remove from the experience too heavily, at least in my opinion, because the plot, artstyle and world are all too interesting for me to care about fanservice rofl

K is extremely unique. There's nothing like it, but Durarara's got something similar. Go watch it!!

Recommendation needed please (18)

1 Name: Amore : 2024-01-21 19:07 ID:wvt8vvSk [Del]

I want quick anime recommendations not too old and not romantic or cliche pleaseeee

16 Name: Saidaichi : 2025-02-27 08:24 ID:b6CmazjG [Del]

You should watch Horimaya its my favorate anime.

17 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-01 20:40 ID:zFjYp87I [Del]

>>16 I love horimaya too but… that’s romantic…

18 Name: brood : 2025-03-21 21:22 ID:4KgMoPWV [Del]

I'm breaking the rules a little because it's kinda old but Mushi-shi is a great one.. Very lovely art and a top 5 for me.

Looking for horror anime recommendations (3)

1 Name: "Username !CmxW9xqtv2 : 2025-03-01 11:29 ID:MBPmS5iM [Del]

I have already watched "Corpse party , Shiki and Angels of death"
Thanks in advance

2 Name: : 2025-03-09 23:51 ID:2/tyZUK/ [Del]

To list a few:
"Another" (a good one that was popular a while back)
"Higurashi/When they cry"(I would say is more for the gore)
similarly, more within gore action "Mirai Nikki/ Future Diaries"
"Hell girl" Is a a good psychological horror, more based on the thoughts behind the method to character actions (btw, like durarara, hell girl also has a site tied to the show irl)
"Ghost Hunt" is a great one for supernatural horror that really shows the layers to ghosts, etc. you can find.
If you have read the comics, there are some Junji Ito animatics out there as well.
Lastly, "Ghost Hound" is another good psychological horror.

These are some general good ones I remember watching, they are within a rough range of horror anime, but from what I recall (since I mainly watched these in my horror fanatic era lol) there aren't a lot of horror anime, so it's more finding what coincides.

Hope these help!

3 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-10 14:43 ID:0WiCzmYA [Del]

Hmmm I don't know if this is scary but Dark Gathering is cool!

I would like to slap the tv. (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-03 07:45 ID:K9AFJpNi [Del]

Hey guys I'm watching the yellow scarves arc :)

Can I punch Saki? :)

I hate this mid ass overrated anime (11)

1 Name: Sa : 2024-05-12 11:15 ID:BpCEC+2g (Image: 469x654 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

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Nobody can change my mind on this, rather than calling it Demon Slayer instead better call it Mid, L to those who don't agree.

9 Name: Rudeus : 2024-12-31 04:00 ID:DiSEFTVC [Del]

>>6 way to prove OPs point!
The show is absolutely carried by it's animation and OST. As for the story, it's very generic. The definition of normie slop. That's why it's so popular.

>>8 AOT season 1 (especially the first episode) is objectively a masterclass at directing. I can understand if you don't like anything past the first season, as they drop in quality, but it was over-all a good show (despite me having put off watching everything past the first season until recently, for it being very popular with normies!)

10 Name: yuh huh : 2025-02-21 14:18 ID:F3IrQlEg [Del]

Rather watch gintama than that. I was chill with this anime until it taught me how to say "Thank goodness" in Japanese (Cuz they kept repeating it)

11 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 14:34 ID:OOGlnCW6 [Del]

gintoki sensei.

What anime impacted your life? How did they impact your life (w/o giving personal info)? (5)

1 Name: Testo : 2024-09-16 00:35 ID:NhzOf44x [Del]

Some of mine are:

Durarara - this site of course!

Planetes & Twin Spica - Taught me about Space Junk! While I wish Twin Spica was longer, I still really enjoyed the ride.

Hikaru no Go & Piano no Mori - inspired me to be more persistent towards my goals and to appreciate how far I've come when it comes to my interests (as well as work to get even better)

Kemono no Souja Erin - impacted my career choice (in a way that's not immediately obvious)

Nodame Cantabile - got me into classical music

Haikyuu - got me to exercise lol

Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

3 Name: Kitto : 2024-11-20 00:44 ID:kzyzjtkr [Del]

Inuyasha me hizo cantar
Sakura card captor me hizo dibujar
El detective conan me hizo amar la resolucion de acertijos
Death note la profundizo
Senyuu me hizo reir en mi peor momento
Magi me dio imaginacion
Soul eater me hizo amar el rock
kimi ni todoke me hizo entender mis sentimientos romanticos
Y durarara me dio este chat en mi juventud para tener amistades de juego, pero fue entretenido en su epoca uwu

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-07 16:17 ID:P21XBGCS [Del]

>>3 Hermano.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-07 16:56 ID:P21XBGCS [Del]

maybe a little TMi.

DuRaRaRa. Caught a random episode on Adult Swim, and at first I thought little of it. It started growing on me, and somehow led me to find this site and the chat rooms.

I didn't know how much I needed what the series gave me, and I'll always remember it for the awesome time I had; being part of this community, the fanbase and the works. It gave me relief from my daily life of long-term Depression, even if just temporarily. I don't think I've ever really experienced this kind of community before then, and I learned a lot. Helped me find some new fun hobbies; and surprisingly met many chill people, at a time when I was getting more asocial [and maybe even misanthropic] everyday.

TL;DR: it helped me cope, always a win. It gave me an adventure I'll never forget, even though it wasn't perfect.

anyone still use this site? (12)

1 Name: taro tanaka : 2024-10-06 13:08 ID:SXMlguYi [Del]

im rewatching drrrr cuz I realized I watched it back when I was in elementary and half of the shows themes and tones probably went over my head as a kid back then and so far this show is hittin DIFFERENT rn and i totally forgot about this website. I used to be in the chatrooms on this site a long time ago. i remember getting kicked out alot lmao

10 Name: BROdi20598 : 2025-01-07 17:52 ID:P8AsL4Af [Del]

>>8>>9 first time in years here again... this site feels so nostalgic

11 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-07 16:08 ID:P21XBGCS [Del]

I miss all the roleplayers who joined a chat room and we'd just have tons of fun doing Durarara, either seriously or crack - it was all good. The first crowd of DRRR roleplayers, that is - who were inclusive to both popular and less popular characters. There was a real sense of community, and we got to appreciate the anime to the fullest because we were roleplaying about it - we were more immersed and all.

I miss ya'll, fam. Long live Roleplaying.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-07 16:13 ID:P21XBGCS [Del]


why were you kicked out a lot? they sound rude af

how they gonna do my boy like that?

Monogatari (3)

1 Name: Euros : 2024-12-10 15:14 ID:K18MtUtQ (Image: 1800x1011 jpg, 146 kb) [Del]

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which one you guys likes the Monogatari series

2 Name: Euros : 2024-12-10 17:44 ID:K18MtUtQ [Del]

Hi guys I will be sleeping now -- Goodnight internet.

3 Name: Rudeus : 2024-12-31 03:56 ID:DiSEFTVC (Image: 736x487 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

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