Dollars BBS | Test

















Testing FAQs again (9)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:25 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

NOTE: TO VIEW INDEX, PLEASE CLICK ON THREAD PAGE IN THE BLUE-ISH TEXT READING, "Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post," AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS OP.

Here’s the index for the lazy people. Remember to try and scroll down to check if new questions and stuff have been added. Please also post your questions ABOUT THE SITE.Some may be added, some will not, but we will still answer those questions HERE.

Reiteration: Feel free to post any and all questions you have on this thread instead of making entire topics for it.

>>2 Board Description
>>3 FAQ part 1
>>4 FAQ part 2
>>5 FAQ part 3
>>6 Duplicate thread, Dollars Code FAQ, and White Knight FAQ
>>7 Dealing with Trolls and Spammers

Side note. We know this is long, no one said you needed to read it in one go. Take a break after whenever you feel tired reading it. You don’t need to read the whole damn thing the first day, likewise, you don’t need to post on a thread the first day. Lurk, read, lurk some more, and then when you feel you get the hang, and then you start participating.

2 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:26 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

Board Description

People seem to be posting things where it doesn't belong. Here is a little help for all the newcomers to the community. Please, take a few minutes reading this post.

  • Main
    Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion goes HERE. HERE GODDAMN IT.

  • Introduction
    New in the Dollars? Post something about yourself here. AND ONLY HERE.

  • Countries
    Want to know if there's another member in your country/state? Check in here. Bit of an add on to Countries board description. In addition to knowing if there are people near you in the countries board, you can also use it to discuss potential meetups, instead of using the other boards to do that. Makes more sense, and also, Countries board is a bit of a spammy board, since people just go "Hi, I'm in such and such state/city", so yeah.

  • Suggestions
    Where you post suggestions you think that would improve the Dollars as a group, or, as a website.

  • Missions
    Our current missions being spearheaded by the different cells in Dollars. Check here for things you can participate, or start on your own.

  • News
    You saw something in TV or Internet that is interesting? Share it with all the others Dollars members in here. Has to actually make the news, not just something you yourself have seen. Provide articles as proof.

  • Animation
    Talk about your favorite animation(cartoon), or recommend one to your fellow Dollars. Note: Not animation style art or something.

  • Art
    Post/talk your drawings, photography and others stuff that you consider art. Note the your. Meaning you have to post YOUR OWN. Unless it’s in a thread about sharing other peoples art. If so, make sure to credit them and link their site or something. Remember to make threads for your art if you have a lot of it to contribute. Otherwise, you’re just spamming one shots.

  • Comic
    Comic related stuff. See if someone is reading a good comic, ask for advice if you are making your own one, recommend something good to read, etc.

  • Films
    You watched this awesome movie the other day? You want to talk about your favorite live action TV show? Post in here about it. Note: it’s only for the live ones, animated TV shows go in the Animation board.

  • Food
    Is exactly what it says on the tin. Talk about favorite food, recipes, food shows, etc.

  • Games
    The board to talk about games. It can be Video games or traditional games among others. It has a sub board for Visual Novels.

  • Literature
    Use this board to talk about books, poetry, fics, text based Role Play, etc. Anything you can write, it goes here.

  • Music
    Post/talk all Music related stuff in here. Favorite band, genre, if you play an instrument, favorite music videos.

  • Personal
    Have any personal problems or advice that other people may be able to help with? Well, this is the place to talk to your fellow dollars about your daily troubles, and help with their troubles as well. Give and get advice, discuss about issues.

  • Sports
    All sports related things you want to ask/share/discuss with the others members goes here.

  • Technology
    Discuss about computers, gadgets, hardware, software, and anything else tech-related. Also includes site related tech.

  • Random
    If something doesn't fit in the description of the others boards, it should be here. Has a test sub-board for...testing things, like HTML, tripcodes, etc.

For more information about what belongs in Main

Important topics, overarching dollars issues, things about the site, and actual topics of discussion.

The definition of each gets a bit vague, so let me clarify

  • Important topics
    Citing threads like the Missing Person thread or anything of great importance. Even if it's location specific, if it's a big enough issue that it needs to be addressed by as many people possible, then it belongs on the main board.

  • Overarching Dollars Issues
    Things like organizing, discussions of the group's general purpose and goals, etc. This is what one would normally think belongs here.

  • Actual Topics of Discussion
    This is where it gets hazy. Usually, discussion threads like the "a philosophical question" or "urban exploration" threads would belong in random for being general and relatively unimportant topics. However, general consensus is there's no problem with these threads.

The reason the main thread is so disputed is because many are tired of seeing ridiculous threads that don't make a whole lot of sense right in their face when they open the site. It's the wrong first impression for first comers and an annoyance for the other members.

So I propose this in respect to the last point, though it's not a very solid guideline. I'm not citing any specific examples, but you know who you are.

Rule of thumb when you post on the main board. Ask yourself:

  • Is there already a board specifically for this topic?

  • Is this really important - to everyone, and not just me?

  • Is this something that everyone can discuss intelligently?

If the first question is "no," post it in the right board. If either of the latter two questions is "no," post it in random. If anyone finds fault with these guidelines, feel free to suggest alternatives.

For more information about what belongs in other boards(Animation, Comics, etc)

Regulars had this discussion over in what was formerly Anime before. Discussing shows was firmly in there, but saying who's your favorite character and things like fan pairings aren't discussing the shows themselves, and hence were quite off-topic from what the board was concerned about.

Basically, it can be ruled roughly along these lines:

Does it discuss the board topic itself directly? If so, it belongs there. If not: Is it related to the board topic but asks for opinions and reasoning to lead to discussion and debate? If so, it belongs there. If not: Is it essentially a popularity contest? If yes, Random.

3 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:27 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

FAQ Part 1

  • Q:What does BBS stand for?

    A: BBS stand for Bulletin Board System.

  • Q: Who is the leader?

    A: We don't have a leader, but what we do have is an admin. His name is Reltair and he's a pretty cool guy.

  • Q: Why are you all so mean to us?

    A: We've taken a lot of effort to keep the boards organized, making sure there are plenty of ways that people know where to post, and reminding people to search for duplicate threads before making new ones. Some of us have been here for a year, others less, but if you find us unwelcoming then you are most likely guilty of doing one of the above mentioned things. It takes a little more effort, but it goes a long way towards the community welcoming you with open arms instead of trying to burn you at the stake for a common mistake.

    Addendum: We became habitually much harsher than necessary due to events in the past that proved it was a necessary step to take in order to keep things organized. However, this was some time ago and at this point - Most people aren’t even personally aware of what the older members went through that made them think this way.

    As time has passed, since the problem shows no current signs of resurfacing, we’ve endeavored to be gentler with corrections. This is still the internet, and some of us are still easily irritated by common mistakes, but we should all be refraining from the level of harshness we were practicing. - Misuto

    In other words, if we see someone being a complete fucking jackass for no good reason, we will crack the fuck down on them the likes of which will make future anthropologists wonder if their remains were an offshoot of a doomed evolutionary strain that had a gaping crater instead of an ass. - Aya

  • Q: How do I become an official member?

    A: Just by entering in the site and posting something, you are a member already.

  • Q: Why don’t we need to register and make an account?

    A: One of the reasons is for ease of posting, the admin said. He said that he’d be more likely to post if there weren’t any accounts or something(got it off of his blog). Also, having no accounts would leave you anonymous, which is what everyone seem to like anyways. Also, and this is my opinion, this site is different than the others. They all have accounts. So we’re unique. And now you’re asking yourself, what if we get trolls, sites with accounts don’t. That’s not true, there are trolls, and people could just make a new account with new emails. We have a ban system; we’re prepared for anything. Hope that clears it up.

    Another thing, the tripcodes could be considered a way of registering.

  • Q: Is this a Durarara Fansite?

    A: Good question. This is NOT a fansite. Yes, it was inspired by the group in the anime, but that doesn't mean all we talk is about the anime. But if you want to talk about it, check the animation board and look for the thread about it. A saying I made goes, “inspiration is one thing, adulation is another.” Just because we liked the concept doesn’t mean we have to hold on to damn near everything. It’s just that, we liked JUST THE CONCEPT.

  • Q: Where did all those old threads go?

    A: Check the archives, or view all threads button as it is known.

  • Q: God, there's too much threads, how the fuck am I supposed to find shit?

    A: Using the ctrl + f function would do. For mac users, it’s the command + f. For phone users, it isn’t there automatically. But you can make the command available. For more information, go to this thread: Here.

  • Q: How the fuck do I correctly set up the password/tripcode?

    A: Simple. Put in !typewhatevershithere and then you get !somenumbershithereorwhatever. People usually get the same password because they... used the same password. They put in !password or whatever and then they get the same shit. Replacing the exclamation mark for a hash(#) also works in making a tripcode.

  • Q: Why should I use View All Threads, aren't all the threads there dead? Won't I be necroposting? Isn't that BAD?

    A: Well yeah, necroposting is pretty bad. But the definition of necroposting is posting on a thread that the topic is already dead, resolved, etc. Just because it's been fuck too long since someone posted does not constitute it being dead. It's just people paid no mind to it.

    (Misuto) It's encouraged to revive older threads, assuming they're about an unresolved or ongoing topic (like an update to a news article, or just a general discussion about a multi-sided issue).

    When it comes to something like replying to month-old comments, that's left to the discretion of the poster. If the thread was already considered "finished" and obsolete, they shouldn't post there; if they post only to respond to a member who may not even come on the site anymore, they shouldn't post.

    We can't really define that too well in a written statement, so this falls under the general rule of everything: Don't be stupid.

  • Q:What do you people mean when you use the term OP?
    A: Op could either mean Original Poster (the one who created the thread) or Original Post (The main text on the thread)

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:28 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

FAQ Part 2

  • Q: We are taught not to post when there is already something made, but also taught to no super ultra necropost. Which wins in that battle?

    A: If the old thread is still relevant and/or [appears] unresolved in relation to the issue you have in mind, necroposting is in order. You should definitely read the entire old post before bringing it back though. At least, that is my opinion. – DivineRacoon

    If it's an interesting discussion thread, then those can't really be 'resolved'... per say. For a shitty example off the top of my head;

    Lets say that there was a thread about bullying, that could be a discussion topic. If the thread was like,

    "Bullying, is it right or wrong? What do you think?"

    And nobody has posted on it for several months, you can bump it and give your input, nobody is here to hinder your opinion. BUT, if the thread is like,

    "Bullying, is it right or wrong? What do you think? I've been having trouble at school and I need some advice on what to do about it."

    Things like that are different, that means OP posted that looking for help, if the thread hasn't been posted on in months, OP most likely isn't even here anymore, bumping that is necroposting. Its a resolved issue, not a topic of discussion.

    Topic threads are usually never resolved. Like Animation threads, Music threads, or threads about people eccentricities, like "What's your worst fear?" or "Whats something weird about you?".

    Threads like those can be bumped no matter how old they are. I hope that helped a bit. –Mael

  • Q: How do we, the community of BBS judge what is a duplicate or not?

    A: We judge this shit on if the topic is the same, not through names. A thread can have the same name, but different topic, or different name and a same topic.

  • Q: Why isn't there just one Dollars website? Shouldn't we just merge with the other Dollars sites and become one collective group?

    A: There isn't just one Dollars website, because multiple people had the same idea to create Dollars sites and did so without being aware of the other person making it. Hence why we have BBS, DG, Darazu, and more. Also, a "merging" of our groups wouldn't exactly work, since the communities on each site are extremely different, and in fact the Dollars sites have come into conflict with one another a few times. In any case though, we're all under the same "Dollars" banner, and that should be collective enough for anyone. You're free to become a member of all the Dollars sites, since you know we are open communities.

  • Q: Aren't the Dollars colorless? Why are people trying to be public about us?

    A:"In short - We, As a community, have come to the conclusion that if you want to do a public Dollars event, then you are free to do what you want. We are not a secret society like the Illuminati, Cicada 3301 or Freemasons."

  • Q: Are Dollars like community service providers? Is all we're supposed to do is help people?

    A:You don't have to do it. Some people choose to do it, for whatever reason. And they choose to use Dollars to do it too, which is weird. I guess people like having others do it with them. Well, it doesn't matter what you do here, as long as it's within the bounds of internet etiquette and legality('cept for pirating), as long as you enjoy your stay here and have fun.

  • Q: What are the goals of Dollars?

    A: Read this

    If you need a more detailed answer, then...

    "However, even the name Dollars is derived from a term which means "to lay around". We don't have a goal, as an overall group. Now, different members and cells of members may have their own individual goals they want to work towards - And you could say that those are the "goals" of dollars, but it's somewhat inaccurate.

    To be precise... You could say that the 'goal' of Dollars, if we have any, would be to encourage our members to work towards their own goals. I think so, at least - That our purpose is self improvement with the side effect of community-based activities.

    So... No real goals. Even the one I(Ayanavi) stated is simply my opinion on it, observed from what's happened so far with this group. Feel free to derive your own goals, the friends and people you meet in Dollars can help you achieve them."

  • Q:Why don't we change the password instead of using baccano?

    A: Because we're not a private site, we're public. And it's for aesthetic reasons, like every other regulars said.

  • Q:What is the real Dollars site?

    A: There are no real Dollar sites. There are ones that popped up first and shit like that.

5 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:29 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

FAQ Part 3

  • Q: Is the ID that is connected to your IP, is it the IPv4 IP or the Default Gateway IP?

    A: the IP was generated through your public IP. Which is the IPv4.

  • Q: How can I delete posts with images?

    A: First, click the [Del] button. Then click yes to the “Are you sure you want to delete reply #” question. Finally, click cancel to the “Leave the reply text and delete only file” question, as this only means, “delete the image and leave the post”.

  • Q: What does bump mean?

    A: To make the thread go to the top of the page, in this case.

  • Q: I've been meaning to ask, can anyone bump anything?

    A: Yes, with every post on any thread, the thread gets bumped. Unless the thread has the word (permasaged) next to the name of the thread. Permasaged means unable to be bumped anymore, basically.

  • Q: What’s the meaning of sage/permasage?

    A: On most imageboards and BBS sites, you would enter "sage" in your post to prevent it from being bumped back up when you commented - If, for whatever reason, you didn't want the thread to be brought back to light but still had something to say.

    On Dollars BBS, we have a check box for saging, so just click that and post and your post will not bump the thread. But only your post. And Permasage is like saging, but only mods can use it, and it’s permanent.

  • Q: What if my thread could belong in a number of boards? For example, an AMV being both Animation and Music, and potentially Random?

    A: The board categorizations are there to sort things by genre. Therefore, if it fits any of them, it can go in any of them. To give a couple examples, AMV's are considered Music and Animation, and sometimes Art, so it can go in one of those three, while Japanese animated movies can go under Film or Animation, so it can go in one of those two. Be sure to check all boards before making your thread in one.

  • Q: I just wanted to ask if the missions are real? I've heard people did donating missions, which are pretty easy. And could you set up your own group to take this site more seriously? (Like be a protective gang of justice?)

    A: Yes, all the missions under the mission board are real, granted some might seem a tad unrealistic, but they are still real.

    As for creating your own group, people have created sub groups in the past to take a more proactive approach to the whole missions idea, such as The Revolutionaries or The Xceeds (forgive me if I misspelled that). There's nothing against it, but rather than making a new group yourself, it might be a better idea to request to join one of those, for the sake of simplicity.

  • Q: Shouldn't the FAQ be its own section so we don't have to keep bumping it?
    A: Might need to add things. If we made an "FAQ page", we'd have to constantly ask Reltair to update it.

  • Q: Are we allowed to post porn?

    A: (from Mael) It’s not against the rules I guess...but normally we don't condone it, since there are kids who get on this site too, plus if we get like that, we'll just kinda become another 4chan...

    Also, here’s a quote in the Help page. “Please keep the image postings clean and professional.”

  • Q: Who are the mods? How can I be a mod?
    A: No one knows who the mods are. And by the by, it’s not me, nor is it Misuto, nor anyone else. Mods are unknown. They are assigned by Reltair at his discretion. For all we know, there could only be one mod, or a hundred mods.

  • Q: Does Seniority mean anything on here?

    A: No it doesn’t. Plain and simple. No one gives a shit if you’re new or old. If you know your shit and you’re new, good for you. If you don’t know your shit and you’re old, then herpdederp, you need to fix that. “You can be new and not fuck up, and be old and fuck up all day erryday.”

  • Q: Why isn't there either:1: A sticky of this (assuming stickies are possible) or2: A section with all this useful info in the "Help" area?

    A: My answer - 1) Don't think stickies are possible, or else we would've done so already.2) Putting it in the Help page, or even making it another page, would make it tiresome to update. By tiresome, I mean for the admin. I mean sure, they haven't been much additions to the FAQ in a while, but still, we'd rather not ask the admin to come in and go on whatever he has to go on and edit the page. So yeah.

    Mael - A. Stickies are impossible at the moment... Idk if there is a way to change that or not... I mean this is a BBS, things are supposed to be bumped around. Since we can't properly answer this, may I suggest emailing our admin? His email is on the top right of the screen under the barcode. If you find out anything we haven't already said, then by all means, share.

    (I really have no idea what STICKIES are but according to Findmuck, they’re like “Pinned Posts” - Kurosuke)

  • Q: How do I make a custom tripcode? Is it just clever character placement or another website that does it? And if so can I have a link to it please?

    A: Use this to help you make your custom tripcode. The limit before the thing takes like... More than hour to get your custom is around 7 characters.

  • Q: Where does this site get it's funding from?

    A: He runs this site on a server which he pays for, but they let him host this particular site free of charge. It was kind of like a gift or something, since he has many other sites. That's one of the reasons why the BBS won't close down anytime soon, in case you were wondering. There’s also advertisements, banners on the side of the page.

  • Q: Regarding this Thread, what “other groups”?

    A: Other groups meaning something like Yellow Scarves or the old Sirens group, groups that mean to disrupt the harmony of sorts of the site(And by that, I mean, stealing our members away forever or slandering the site itself and saying the group in question is better). Rule of thumb in this: If it ain’t harming(slandering, stealing members, etc) the site, leave it be. Just use your judgement.

    A back story to this is, way back when, there was a time when the group known as the Sirens were around our site, trying to gather members to their group. At first, the people on BBS were like whatevs, but then it got to the point where the Sirens decided to slander the Dollars, spam us, what have you. So that’s why Reltair’s thread got made. And so, not all advertising is banned, even though it may seem like it.

6 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:30 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

Duplicate threads, Dollars Code, and White Knight FAQ

  • Creating a Duplicate thread if need be

    Explanation: First of all, we can’t delete threads(unless there aren’t any posts beyond OP and only Reltair can delete, but we can’t disturb the man with petty deleting), merge threads, or move threads. Which is why it is imperative to check if there is a thread already made. BUT, if you find that the original thread sucked, read on for creating a duplicate thread.

    1) The duplicate thread is created with the intention of being more informative and/or subjectively superior, and is obviously so (example: expanding a "I like show X" thread into a detailed summary of said show)

    Reason: To prevent expy threads that are the exact same

    2) The original thread is under a certain number of posts and/or has absolutely no contributing/intelligent discussion (running under example from above, original thread is either still in the teens or less in posts and/or is made up of "I like show X too!" posts)Reason: To make sure you aren't replacing an established thread

    3) Said duplicate thread abides by the rules of common sense (as in not duplicating a thread people shut down for being in the wrong place, more Durarara Season 2 petition threads, or anything drop-dead retarded. I reserve the right to be ragey at anyone who creates a duplicate fitting any of those categories)Reason: It's common sense. Seriously, use it.

    4) It is stated as such that it is a duplicate thread, list the thread it is replacing, and why you are replacing the thread.Reason: Just to help stop us blowing up at perfectly valid duplicate threads.

  • Do we have some kind of cool official code to write secret messages for fun or something?

    Yes, yes we do. It is as follows(Keyboard keys are the capital letters, and the translated is after the equal sign):

    Reverse K-CodeQ=a W=s E=d R=f T=g Y=h U=j I=k O=l P=0A=z S=x D=c F=v G=b H=n J=m K=8 L=9Z=1 X=2 C=3 V=4 B=5 N=6 M=71=) 2=( 3=* 4=& 5=^ 6=% 7=$ 8=# 9=@ 0=!

    For Example:
    "The Dollars are having a meeting today at 10:30pm."
    "Gnd Cl99zfx zfd nz4k6b z 7ddgk6b glczh zg @!:&!07."

White Knight FAQ

  • Q: What is "white knighting"?

    A: White knighting is generally the term used when one user jumps to another user's rescue when the OP (original poster) was wrong. Say User A posted a thread in the wrong spot, so User B yelled at them. User C may pop in and say, "Stop being so mean!" Henceforth, User C is becoming a white knight.

  • Q: So that's a good thing, right? It's good to help people!

    A: No, not always. Usually, the term white knighting is used negatively. When someone is in the wrong, they are to be disciplined, and jumping in front of the ruler the teacher is whipping is only going to get you both hurt with no lesson learned.

  • Q: So what should we do if we disagree!?

    A: If you disagree, calmly state your opinion after having read through all the related posts, but only do so if you have a very good reason to believe the original poster is in the right. However, if the majority of the people posting feel that the original poster is wrong, you are to step down. Unless Reltair gets involved, this site is generally a democratic rule. Therefore, we have to depend on majorities until the Admin comes in or the post is saged.

  • Q: Oh, okay, but what if nobody says anything, but it's saged anyway?

    A: That means you don’t do anything, don’t post, etc. If the moderator/Admin feels that the person is wrong, you can argue all you want, but you won't get anywhere. All you're doing is being disrespectful at that point; chances are, the person you're white knighting has already accepted their ignorance.

Basically, this is a little lesson on internet etiquette and how to state your opinion when it gets to the point that you're white knighting. Useful for other sites as well, not just this site, etc.

7 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:30 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

How To Deal With Trolls Spammers
Reltair's Email: To the right of the page, or

  • Q: Someone is posting all these threads on [insertboardhere]! What do I do!?

    A: Before you do anything, just stop. Don't do anything. Wait for the spamming to stop. If after several minutes, it's not dying down at all, and no mods are saging anything, email Reltair. He is our admin; inform him of the situation. Tell him what board it's on and the URL's of some of the threads.

  • Q: I should bump them off while I'm waiting for a response, right?

    A: No, no you should not. Wait until the situation calms down. If the spammer is still making threads or is still posting else where, don't bump them off. All that will do is piss the spammer off, and they will either bump their old topics or make new ones. This process will repeat, and you will flood the actually useful threads with bumps. Bumping is alright once the threads are saged or once the spamming really stops. If you ARE going to bump, making sure you bump 10 threads (including the FAQ) to make sure the spam threads are completely off the page. Again, though - WAIT until the spamming has stopped. I cannot stress this enough.

  • Q: What do I do if someone spams my thread with the same image or message?

    A: First, stop posting. Don't post anything important after that. Copy the URL for the thread that was spammed and email Reltair. If it's really bad spam (20+ comments), you can request Reltair to revert it once the person who spammed is banned. However, please wait until the situation is handled to comment on the thread. Don't say anything to the spammer; it won't help your situation at all.

  • Q: Someone posted this really ridiculous thread, and they're posting all this irrelevant shit on other people's threads. What do I do!?

    A: If it's obvious that they're trying to be annoying, don't comment on it. Ignore them. Chances are, that person is a wannabe troll, and arguing with them is pointless. In fact, I've found from my own experiences that arguing with a wannabe troll can do more harm than good; it inspires them to be even more obnoxious or to spam just to annoy you. Just leave them be. Let the mods handle whatever weird threads they make. Unless they spammed 10+ comments in the same thread, ignore any comments they make and move on with the thread.

8 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-06-08 00:37 ID:M1xyepUp [Del]

PLS do note that this is a TEST. im just testing the HTML formats of the post. This is not yet entirely finished and still needs some proofreading.

If you guys spot any mistakes feel free to reply or email us:

Kurosuke -
Findmuck -
Blanc -
Rora -

9 Name: eff : 2016-06-09 07:53 ID:IfW7Ksx8 [Del]
