Dollars BBS | Test

















test (4)

1 Name: !HtAOD8EUEA : 2016-02-15 21:27 ID:rW4WBzjB [Del]


2 Name: coolio !15d2hDNWWE : 2016-02-16 00:12 ID:LDvuUSis [Del]


3 Name: affs : 2016-03-21 21:52 ID:JrwqBVdq [Del]

Hello, fellow Dollars and welcome to the Dollars Social Media System!

Please make sure to read the ENTIRE thread or at least read the summary at the bottom.
Now, this thread NOT involve any sort of ‘Dollars accounts’ on any social media, however it does involve each and every one of us using our own social media.
This mission, by intended design, should NOT endanger your personal safety. The only way this would threaten you anonymity is if you were to choose for it to do so.

Social Media has become a staple in the lives of teenagers all around the world and most can relate to it in one way or another. Social media is wonderful, but it cannot be denied that many problems have recently been brought to focus.

Firstly, I shall discuss the network. In short, I think that our most powerful weapon as Dollars is our large and diverse group. It’s actually interesting how we rarely ever truly utilise this power to its fullest.
Just think about how much online influence we would have if even a large fraction of our members were to work toward one focused goal at a time?

See, the only way this can work is if we can gather 3 things:

  • A large number of members

  • Activity within the network

  • An easy way of assigning tasks to the entire group at once

And I can only provide the third requirement, leaving the rest up to you.

There will be a series of fairly easy to complete mini-missions that, when added together, would create a ripple effect of sorts. And of course, the goal would be creating a better cyberspace.

Just to give some examples of what the missions could be like, here are some of the ideas I had when writing this thread:

  • Reposting a certain image/post in order to raise awareness to things that would typically be ignored.

  • Giving support (Like/Follow/Subscribe) to people who would not typically receive it.

  • Creating/Cleaning Hashtags (if you’re on Instagram, you know what this means)

  • Kickstarting smaller accounts (If they have a good cause)

If you wish to take part, please email me at
Or if you absolutely cannot email me, message me on Discord (ID: #2803)
When contacting me, make sure to include:

  • The Social Media you use the most

  • The number of social media accounts you own

  • How active you can be (in terms of hours in a day, on average)

  • Anything you think that this network could do that I didn’t already mention

4 Post deleted by user.