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Phone charge issues (3)

1 Name: Wren : 2021-02-17 03:04 ID:Q3maiYeZ [Del]

So, my iPhone, an iPhone 6 to be exact, has been around some time, but never had any issues until now, and not surprising, the first thing to break down is the battery, or so I'm assuming

Issue started months ago, where up until that point the battery couldn't hold a charge for more than like an hour or so, and that's if you weren't playing anything, so it was essentially regulated to life support on the charger, which I think only worsens the problem for battery life, right? I dunno, but that's not the issue

Around that time, it would start shutting off, even while on the charger, at full power. Would not come back on no matter what. So I decided to let it rest for a while, moved my app games to my PC, etc etc. Recently, though, I put it back on the charger after months of it lying dormant just to see what would happen, and it just. Turned on. Charged right up, and I enjoyed a few hours of games before heading to bed, and not wanting to lose it again, I left it on the charger overnight, and sadly, it died again, and it's back to lying dormant for the foreseeable future.

Now I want to repair it, since it's still a good working phone for what I do with it, and before I go shelling out money for what I think is a battery problem, I just wanna confirm it with anyone who might be able to before I walk in.

Thanks, and much appreciative for any advice!

2 Name: Makoto : 2021-02-19 14:46 ID:6nazIz4Q [Del]

I had the same problem a few years back. I took it in and they said that the battery had burned out meaning that I needed a new one. it looks like replacing the battery should fix it. I'm also not an expert so I would get a second opinion from a professional.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2021-02-20 07:09 ID:/DX5oZbT [Del]

>>1 Yee that battery is well overdue for a swap. Shops in my area charge something between $60-80 for the part & installation.