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Emacs users around here? (21)

1 Name: Grass : 2020-10-10 16:05 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 1920x1080 png, 632 kb) [Del]

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Hey hey, are there any emacs users around here?
I'm one! Although probably not one of the most faithful one :b

2 Name: G : 2020-10-12 15:11 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 1920x1080 png, 66 kb) [Del]

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On the Dollars IRC from ERC Emacs IRC client :)

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: G : 2020-10-13 06:33 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 1920x1080 png, 164 kb) [Del]

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IRC with other people from here :)

5 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-10-13 07:02 ID:qqOdUvyL [Del]


6 Name: G : 2020-10-17 10:41 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 1920x1080 png, 132 kb) [Del]

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Jupyter notebooks with Emacs!!

7 Name: Delta : 2020-10-25 05:39 ID:F0gMybso [Del]

what can you do?

8 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-10-25 15:41 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]

>>7 (Delta) What do you mean lmao?

9 Name: vim : 2020-10-26 08:56 ID:c+fXSSEv [Del]

how do you use Jupyter notebooks in Emacs?

10 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-10-26 13:50 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]

>>9 (vim) hahaha I can see I poped the interest of a vim user :)
I myself use vim as well, I still have a computer with no graphicall interface which I like to use because has the battery life of almost 4 days, and in that pc I use vim instead of Emacs :b

On my normal machine I use Emacs, and for Jupyter notebooks I use a package (emacs package) called ein!!

11 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-10-31 07:51 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 1920x1080 png, 195 kb) [Del]

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Just here evolving strings with stochastic algorithms

Editor: Emacs
Repl: Clisp

12 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-11-24 13:05 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 742x770 jpg, 680 kb) [Del]

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Someone got a little bit of recognition with Emacs + Semantic Web

13 Name: whatever : 2020-12-01 22:57 ID:B2yHv3i1 (Image: 1302x792 png, 182 kb) [Del]

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I don't use emacs anymore like I used to.
I wasn't big fan of emacs back then. you can guess why from a screen shot
I've post it


14 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-02 18:49 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]

>>13 (whatever)
I am quite recent to emacs, I've only been using it for a year and something I think... and never had performance issues, even when opening large files.
I am curious about what was the last version of emacs you tried?
And what operating system are you running?

(and if you don't mind, what editor do you use?)

15 Name: whatever : 2020-12-03 03:31 ID:B2yHv3i1 [Del]


after I spent 5 minutes of writing, I realized I'll never finish this. so I'll just post this incomplete reply, because text is getting too long.

・ elisp or any other lisps are not the programming language I like.

・ I use "Visual Studio Code" or other suitable IDE for programming purpose,

・ I don't have a favorite text editor. I just simply use any text editor which is already installed in a computer.

・ the version of emacs from the screenshot is "GNU Emacs 27.1". which is installed in my router which OS is FreeBSD.

・ I use it for editing things like dhcp.conf or any other shit like that, and I simply kill -HUP to reboot those daemons. so I guess I'm an old school-er.

・ the reason I chose emacs for my router instead of vim is simply the size. I built it without X and disable any other options, so size of the emacs is lot less than typical vim.

I hope you'll satisfied.

16 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-03 19:49 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]

>>15 (whatever)

Isn't Visual Studio Code quite bad in terms of performance?
I think I had to use it once, and was quite of a big IDE, and well yeah...

I understand the lisp part hahah, Emacs isn't obviously everyone's cup of tea, but I did not know Emacs was bad in terms of performance! I know it use to be... but right now doesn't really look like..

In the end, code matters more than the editor ;)

17 Name: whatever : 2020-12-05 04:57 ID:B2yHv3i1 [Del]


Visual Studio Code is the best IDE for typescript. I also use other IDEs for different languages. but keep talking about IDE in this thread is totally off topic.

seems like you are obsessed with the term *performance*, but it'll be easier if I use the word *efficiency* instead of that. Emacs was never efficient software, because every time a user needs to tweak something, he has to spend lots of times writing Elisp. even tiny thing like changing font, you have to write deeply nested Elisp codes.

to make long story short, Emacs user spends more time with tweaking Emacs itself more than doing things ( e.g. coding, reading e-mail, ) using Emacs.

even performance, I doubt that Emacs provides fast, light-weighted e-mail client lisp package, or any other client-typed package (e.g. irc, twitter )

also Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift causes serious repetitive strain injury ( hand pain ).

but if I have to tell the worst part of Emacs, it would be users. most of them are at least 20 something years older than I am, and they act like a *religious proselytizer*. I don't want to socialize with those people more than I have to. lol

but it's my choice, not yours, I'll be more than happy even if you keep using Emacs after you saw this post.

18 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-05 12:39 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]


I believe In you, I never actually touched typescript yet... but unfortunately I believe I might be obligated to do so..
Anyway I think there is something off here tho... you're referring to VScode right? VS code ain't an IDE... I believe you might convert it into one but like Emacs, it's just a text editor with configuration capabilities..

not really, no
I only used the word performance cause you used it :)
regarding efficiency, well might not have been in the past, but you do know there are distributions of Emacs that come with everything set-up right?

and... no... you don't have to write elisp to change font haha, you can just go to customization and click on the buttons to change colors, etc...

regarding the "nested elisp codes" xD
I kind of feel you haven't seen much emacs configurations...

*to make long story short, Emacs user spends more time with tweaking Emacs vanilla itself more than doing things ( e.g. coding, reading e-mail, ) using Emacs.

changed to make it correct ;)

well emacs is supper fast on my computer.. it's faster than the browser generally, for obvious reasons.. so theoretically yeah it's a faster email client and irc client than the browser ones..

anyway, finishing it off, emacs is an amazing program
it's probably no good for a non-poweruser to use emacs vanilla, since like you said, you have to config it for it to actually be "usable"!

19 Name: whatever : 2020-12-06 02:52 ID:B2yHv3i1 [Del]


you do know there are distributions of Emacs that come with everything set-up right?

frankly I didn't know "Distributions of Emacs" existed till now. but it kind of proves that I'm right. because it's like saying Emacs can't do anything unless you use DoE, you can't install Emacs anymore like executing "apt-get install emacs", you need power of DoE! lol

I always thought Emacs was *too religious*, but now it has many religious sects because of DoE. and one of them is actually called "Doom Emacs"? sorry but I can't stop laughing. I think I won't try DoE since I only use Emacs for simple tasks today. and I'm glad I'm not one of those religious people like you.

regarding the "nested elisp codes" xD
I kind of feel you haven't seen much Emacs configurations...

see the *nested elisp codes* below.

( cond
( (not window-system )
(set-face-background 'mode-line "Yellow" )
(set-face-foreground 'mode-line "Blue" )) )

( (window-system )
(set-face-background 'mode-line "Blue" )
(set-face-foreground 'mode-line "Yellow" )) )

my elisp skill sucks but this is the simple elisp code I could come up with. it looks nested to me, because elisp requires so many () than other languages.

I've tested it on GNU Emacs 26.3/Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. I have no idea what DoE can do, but I need the configuration above just to get same results on Emacs's mode line color whether I use in terminal ( in this case xterm, not xterm-256color ) or GUI mode. I'm not sure if you are a Unix guy, but I have to use many kinds of terminals. so actual configuration code is lot complicated than this due to handle lots of different terminfos/termcaps. ( e.g. xterm , xterm-256color , vt100 , ansi )

I quit using GUI version of Emacs about 3 years ago but I assure you, Emacs font configuration is lot complicated than configuring color of mode line. but that's because I'm just a guy who didn't even know DoE existed. and I feel totally fine with my current condition.

btw, VS code is a "source-code editor" according to Wikipedia. it has one of best intelligent code completion for typescript and has many functions that other IDE have. it looks IDE to me. many people are refereeing as IDE. you can have your own view however you like.

20 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-06 06:26 ID:P8yoWHcK [Del]

yes there are "distributions of Emacs" hahaha xD

well... I've seen distros of emacs being installed with just a script if that is what you're referring to?

hahaha I'm not really religious, but sure buddy... you do you!

Have a nice day! :)

21 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-28 07:34 ID:FCL3FGbn [Del]

Just here to post another aesthetic post of emacs
right now I'm making use of elegant-emacs config:

elegant Emacs

And although I like it, there are somethings that I am changing and altering according to my taste... I am going for things that are referred on the paper:

On the design of text editors

And also scrapping the source code of another config, by the same person, called nano-emacs!!