Dollars BBS | Technology
















IRC (8)

1 Name: Mattto : 2020-04-01 16:26 ID:uuKcL9Qy [Del]

This is something I see quite often recently:

4:35pm *** kiwi_85 logged in ***
4:35pm kiwi_85: Hello!
4:36pm *** kiwi_85 logged out ***

In other words: When you join the IRC chat, please give people at least five minutes to answer you. We all come from different places, meaning different time-zones. It's now 11:25pm here. On Hawaii it's 11:25am, while in Tokyo it's 6:25am. People might just be asleep when you join.

2 Name: Mattto : 2020-04-01 16:27 ID:uuKcL9Qy [Del]

When you join the IRC channel now, you will get a message from a program of mine, telling you this basically.

3 Name: Mattto : 2020-04-01 16:31 ID:uuKcL9Qy [Del]

This program (it's called MINION) can also answer some simple questions. When you are on IRC, say:

!TIME to get a table of what time it is at several places
!IRC for some info on how to handle IRC

4 Name: Chipsa : 2020-04-01 23:18 ID:W0yXoGgW [Del]

I've gotten on at 10pm, and at 4am, and at 6am. I've gotten on at various times and seen no one in the chat. :,D I saw someone named Matto was active, and I messaged them but didn't get an answer. :P

5 Name: GT : 2020-04-02 05:53 ID:PN8VwbnM [Del]

What is the IRC chat and how do I get there sorry Iā€™m new

6 Name: Chipsa : 2020-04-03 01:15 ID:kjQlBRyI [Del]

Hullo! :) The IRC Chat can be found at the top right corner of the page! At least, on mobile it can. Haha. It's a chatroom on a large server, I believe. I haven't seen many people there, although meetups have been at least suggested.
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, by the way. ^-^ :)

7 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2020-04-03 04:34 ID:/384eG+7 [Del]

The irc channel doesn't keep a chat log for anyone joining to keep previous conversations private and if you log off it will start a new session for you maybe people were in irc and you just missed them but because no chat log you think it's dead I'm guilty of joining and logging off but it's mostly because I use mobile and havnt the time for it šŸ˜…

Defiantly best on pc with the chat open for logs and chats and only if you have time to wait for replies >_<

8 Name: Matto : 2020-04-03 08:18 ID:Ul7yZycx [Del]

Chipsa: I might have been asleep. What 6pm is depends on your timezone. You can write !TIME on the channel to get a world-clock.

GT: IRC is the oldest chat-network out there (online since 1988). It's still used heavily today, but it depends on the chat-room how many people you meet. The #dollars-bbs room hasn't many users, sadly.

The main reason people use IRC today is that it's encrypted, very fast and non-commercial. Another reason for me is that I've seen too many chats come and go over the years, and I don't feel like changing every few years.