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Non-DRRR Related Web Project - Seeking A Team (12)

1 Name: Iro - : 2020-03-22 16:03 ID:smNsCNRk [Del]

Hello, first I would like to state that this project is not related to Durarara; but is rather inspired by it. Essentially what I am creating is a simulation/media platform. The goal of the project is to create a community that can be as vocal or as private as they would like. A simulation of a fictional city, where this online community is the populus. Though there will be aspect of communication on the website, this is NOT another drrr-like-chat. The code used in this project will have NO RELATION to the open-source drrr-like-chat projects.
There are many ideas which have been introduced, but none of which are yet planned to be fully implemented. To create this, I need a team of developers - programmers which have experience in HTML, PHP, XML, CSS, JS, NodeJS, CSS, SQL, as well as misc. languages which could be utilized. The team I need should consist of a group of functional programmers, a singular designer who is proficient in CSS and JS, and, in the future of the project, non-related moderators. An additional touch to our team should be a creative co-director. The project is open to new ideas, and nothing is set into stone yet. If you are not a part of the team but would like to give suggestions, feel free to.
If you are interested in the project, and would like to consider becoming a part of the team, please email me directly at []. Thank you for your time.

2 Name: Matto : 2020-04-03 13:03 ID:Ul7yZycx [Del]

I'm sorry, but it might be more productive to just explain what you want to create in detail, and let the programmers decide on what's the best language to use.
I see this "Hey, we want to create this hip Web 8.0 project" thingies quite often, but the moment I see the languages they want to use I'm turned off.

3 Name: Matto : 2020-04-03 13:05 ID:Ul7yZycx [Del]

Take this with a grain of salt... but the moment web devs face the problem of getting the value of PI they download three gigs of libraries instead of calculating 4 * ArcTan(1.00).

4 Name: Niu : 2020-04-07 13:41 ID:KT3Dm4Dc [Del]

Sounds like dependency hell.

5 Name: Matto : 2020-04-10 15:17 ID:uSlFEf14 [Del]

Yeah... the thing is, I'm working as a programmer and system operator, but in a specialized environment. The computers I work with operate heavy machinery, power plants and the like, and they are quite old. They don't get replaced, because they a) just work and b) everything is wired directly into the CPUs anyway.

Those beasts are the size of a fridge and have 4 MB of RAM (!). That sounds ridiculous, but when you work with those machines for some time, it's actually quite a lot. Hosting a website is no problem, you just have to code it in an efficient way.

6 Name: Hiroki : 2020-04-13 23:30 ID:eU/2cHby [Del]

Or you do this in the fashion of the 21st century, and just use a high level framework like Symphony or core mvc, and type in a couple of lines a codes for a lot of functionalities and safety.

Efficiency is not the issue for such a website. It's about maintainability and security.

I'll be glad to help.

7 Name: Matto : 2020-04-22 17:54 ID:RZHjS0Rk [Del]

"Efficiency is not the issue for such a website"

Yeah, and that's why websites today are slower than in 1999 with a 56k modem. I've seen sites out there transmitting 5 MB of data to show three paragraphs of text. That's not progress, that's bullshit.

Maintainability and security, good joke. How do you manage t gain maintainability by piling dozens of languages and frameworks onto each other? The security implications are self-evident. The web of today is a crapfest when it comes to security. There's a reason you have to solve a captcha every five minutes.

8 Name: Matto : 2020-04-22 18:33 ID:RZHjS0Rk [Del]

You know what I'm really scared of? When I get to old to do my job and people like you got to run the computers in powerplants and other critical infrastructure. And that's not a joke. I'm really scared.

9 Name: Matto : 2020-04-23 16:26 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]

Despite of what all those rockstar-dev bloggers will tell you, there is actually a reason people older than 24 or so (I'm 27) stick to languages like C, Fortran 90 or Assembler. Do you know how many chat engines I saw coming and going? PowWow, Knuddels, ICQ, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp... I guess I forgot at least ten others I never used. Do you know what's still there, after 30 years?

IRC. ;)

You an tell me all day long about your 21st century development. But in the end you have to answer this one evil question: Did you develop something new, or did you reinvent the wheel in such a bad way that I need a thousand times the amount of RAM I had in 1999 to do JUST THE SAME THING.

Do you think anyone would buy a car which needs 1000 times as much gas as in 1999? Do you think that's cool? That this deserves to be called 'progress'?

I really hope not.

10 Name: Matto : 2020-04-23 16:37 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]

To give you some numbers... I do e-mail service for about 800 people. Program size on disk: 502 KB.

IRC chat for 5000+ people: 223 KB.

RAM used for both: 1400 KB.

I make a living from doing just that, allowing people to do stuff with their "old" computers.

You should really think about this before coming to me bragging about your 21st century stuff.

11 Name: Yuki : 2020-05-09 22:43 ID:r80X7Ano [Del]

I totally agree Matto. There is nothing nice about all these new chats and servers. The efficiency of everything today has gone way down and a lot of people think that is better. You used to not have to worry about your graphics card not being good enough or too much memory usage. but now people just get the best graphics cards and 2 terabytes of memory for way more money!

12 Name: Matto : 2020-05-11 16:09 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]

Yuki: Oh... thanks. I'm not really used to people who *get* that.

It's always funny for me to see what weird ideas today's people have about old technology. My friends always liked to make jokes about my "antique" (build in the 1960s) TV... until they saw the picture.

That is just so much more stylish than a flat-screen. And it will probably survive me.