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How to put a million voice clips on a single document? (3)

1 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2020-02-01 22:54 ID:TENIRDlL [Del]

It's been so long since I've been on this website...

Anyway, I'm looking for an app or a any tip for someone who wants to make a Wikipedia-like document.
In my opinion I feel that what helps Wikipedia is that besides having information, it often has lots of voice clips too.

I was tasked by a classmate to teach her my language because she is going to the country of her origin and the origin of my parents. She is adopted so she has had hardly any exposure to this language while growing up. I want to be able to provide her with a document that has several voice messages next to translations of phrases, so that she can hear exactly how to pronounce the phrases like a native. I am sure it will resonate more if she replays it over and over as well, and that is why I want to be able to put a bunch of short voice clips
on a single file document.

I will take any suggestions!
Please respond with your insight.

2 Name: Chipsa : 2020-03-19 18:11 ID:hIKY6maN [Del]

Hmm... I'm not sure if it would work, but there is a free playlist program of a sort called SCM Music Player [link][/link] , and you can attach files such as YouTube audio files and things... It's possible that you could use an audio clip program instead of YouTube, and simply have them on a playlist... I don't know if you have to attach the playlist to another website to use it, though.

There are also free PDF makers online, which you might be able to use for such a thing. :) :)

3 Name: MadelineAriah !YYk5m0jo12 : 2020-05-24 09:06 ID:PekpeCu9 [Del]

Dunno if the OP is around anymore, but this is how I would do it: Google Docs, Dropbox, and other personal sharing sites allow you to share files by way of generated links. If it were me, I would dump all of the audio files into the same Google Drive folder, and create a custom shareable link for each one. Then, in a Google Docs document, hyperlink to each one next to its translated text.