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Browser? (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2019-04-15 06:30 ID:2L8mvaK2 [Del]

im just wondering what browser are you guys using? also why?

im using chrome rn, i use it because ive been using it since kid and no other reason

just wonder what reason you guys have

2 Name: Lax_Pax : 2019-04-15 07:39 ID:I/X+y80C [Del]

Ecosia it helps the world by planting trees

3 Name: lofi : 2019-04-15 19:30 ID:egDNphiw [Del]

safari just cuz

4 Name: Nightingale : 2019-04-16 15:07 ID:UMrrVObn [Del]


5 Name: Reiner : 2019-04-22 04:59 ID:AUxbVJqY [Del]

I use Opera because it's like a mixture of Firefox and Chrome, and you can install chrome extensions with it aswell.

6 Name: Ryoko : 2019-04-27 23:32 ID:qT7DIMDE [Del]

I use Chrome because of my ad-blocker (which I'm somewhat addicted to). It also keeps me from getting pop-ups on shady websites that I might come across for some random reason.

7 Name: Anonymous_Killer : 2019-05-02 04:59 ID:m/LVf5zP [Del]

I use tor as i also use it for the dark web

8 Name: Zera : 2019-05-20 08:12 ID:vo7m3J7U [Del]

I use Puffin Browser on my phone because it's more secure, it has a better interface, it has more results than what google usually shows you (even though it uses google), and you can enable desktop mode on websites to see the pc version of the website. there's also a thing to enable a cursor on the screen and theres a little on-screen touchpad for it (trust me, it's super useful when you need it), and there's a whole bunch more things that are helpful that I can't think of off the top of my head. I will warn you though, some functions require you to watch an ad. But you'll only get that if you're like, on incognito mode. Other than that it's all great!

9 Name: birininyanhesabı : 2019-05-20 12:23 ID:YpIy0YIm [Del]

I use Chrome. Because I think Chrome is the best? It's safe and have good ad-blocker. And it's easy to use.

(Sorry for bad english. Well, I think it's not so bad..)

10 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-05-24 06:12 ID:dsz+43mn [Del]

I tried using Brave on my phone last week and it's okay so far it blocks scripts, trackers and ads and in turn my surfing was way smoother than before. No more phone lagging because of ads (I hate those browser not responding incidents on my phone!) and dashboard also shows how many Ads have been blocked.

11 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-06-02 21:26 ID:7PVgyaRp [Del]

I use chrome and edge interchangeably. Edge is graphically more lightweight.

12 Name: Sazik : 2019-06-20 23:52 ID:VtmTPkGB [Del]

I use Brave on my phone, and a heavily changed Firefox on my computer. Realistically we should all be using Firefox because both Chrome and Edge massively spy on us, and with the changes being rolled out Brave might not be around much longer due to it running on Chromium.

13 Name: BadApple418 : 2019-07-09 10:23 ID:HSH1nvTA [Del]

I prefer chrome's features, but I've been using edge lately since its light weight

14 Name: Daniel !GHap51.yps : 2019-09-16 18:30 ID:CUIIeJz7 [Del]

Try Waterfox. Its just as fast as Chrome, but with extra protection and completely anonymous unlike other browsers that record and catalog your data.

Waterfox is similar to Firefox except it focuses more on privacy & protection for your data when you browse the web.

15 Name: easthighNerd!pfTMHOqkF. : 2019-09-28 01:24 ID:36s7d0ju [Del]

I prefer to use GNOME Web (also known as Epiphany) honestly.

I also dabble with using Falkon

16 Name: 64 : 2019-10-21 11:45 ID:BohxpGG2 [Del]

I really like using DuckDuckGo, which focuses on blocking trackers that websites use. I’m sure it’s not perfect, but it’s something.