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Culturing viruses (20)

1 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-12-15 13:07 ID:FpPAxNGJ [Del]

Yo, Ive had this idea for a while to make a small computer and just let people on the deep web or something install viruses and stuff on it under one condition, they have to write to a file saying exactly what they are doing. Like an output file. Besides that i would let them run wild. It would be a cool project and i would love to see what some of these viruses can do. Feel free to comment whether you think this is a good idea or not. If you wish to participate and have access email me at

2 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-12-15 13:08 ID:FpPAxNGJ [Del]

(Also nothing like memz where it completely bricks the computer )

3 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-12-15 14:08 ID:FpPAxNGJ [Del]

4 Name: chesh1re : 2018-12-15 23:26 ID:zSRY1BrT [Del]

This sounds like an awesome idea, would you be reporting here on the test cases and results because I'd love to see the data from a project like that.

5 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-12-16 23:59 ID:BwD3Arja [Del]

>>4 yeah i will, if you could spread the link and the idea around that would be great. The sooner the gfm goal gets reached the sooner i can start!

6 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2018-12-30 21:19 ID:5ULBAM5x [Del]


7 Name: Virulent Plague : 2019-01-08 08:59 ID:BFYGaMyB [Del]

Your computer? dead.
Your Wifi? dead.
Your cat? dead
thats the dangers of the deep web boyo
in all seriousness some of those viruses will definetley fuck up your whole service and wifi, better use a sandbox or some shit

8 Name: Virulent Plague : 2019-01-08 09:00 ID:BFYGaMyB [Del]

and now that I think about it this will be a virtual version of a Gu poison in the making, I say go for it

9 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2019-01-09 12:48 ID:bpFdMsK+ [Del]

What would really be miraculous about it is if then you somehow make an anti-virus program that can counter and fix all that nonsense that was done to it.

10 Name: @I'm_that_spider_nigga on Instagram : 2019-01-10 19:40 ID:7pBSyoI0 [Del]

I'm the real life Spider-Nigga, an aspiring Electromechanical Engineering Technologist on a mission to succeed as the 21st Century Spider-Man, through Science, Technology and shear imagination! Follow me on my journey on Instagram if you want :) ~ Spider-Nigga #Real-Life-Superhero #Real-Life-Spider-Nigga

11 Name: Anon : 2019-01-10 21:19 ID:EixrwxCU [Del]

I feel like the computer would eventually reach critical mass and essentially become a digital WMD lol

12 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2019-02-07 09:25 ID:ukm9wzQ9 [Del]

Wow thanks for all the replies, didnt expect this many! Please donate to the GoFundMe if you wanna see this idea become a reality

13 Name: NaruSaus : 2019-03-14 21:54 ID:yK3w6axl [Del]

Ok, I suggest you don't mess with that if you're using a computer connected to home wifi. Some viruses are so crazy to the point where they actually spread to other computers in the area. they like get into your wifi and stuff and they will mess up EVERYTHING. But if your willing to take the risk or buy all new wifi and completely isolate your computer from others then go for it bud. (P.S. I know you want them to send you what it will do, but I mean it's not that hard to lie and just reck carnage on your other computers.)

14 Name: Syn : 2019-03-15 00:20 ID:VhpTc/3D [Del]

If they wanted to destroy a computer via viruses, they could just download a virtual machine and do it on there. Also a small correction, *dark web

15 Name: Rei !dsEdT7PXnI : 2019-03-23 14:23 ID:/T3nL1Ju [Del]

No, I mean deep. There is a difference

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-28 07:21 ID:LMxJXmQA (Image: 740x414 png, 114 kb) [Del]

src/1553775686459.png: 740x414, 114 kb

18 Name: Silva : 2019-03-30 11:45 ID:MN3JnR4Q [Del]


lmao man i love xkcd

19 Name: GrumpBot : 2019-04-01 09:34 ID:xjMRIc4i [Del]

While some viruses simply infect the single computer, some also infect your routing network, or your wifi, so using a VPN or dedicating and entirely different routing network might be essential to making something like this work. Other than that, I'm curious too as to just how far something like this can be pushed before it gets shut down by said viruses.

20 Name: Hiroki : 2019-04-12 18:43 ID:Yoi1RwCa [Del]

You can install a Linux computer with an SSH server on the default port, and common credentials.

And you could have your computer accessed within seconds.
If you monitor activity, at the same time, it would make a funny experiment.