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502 Bad Gateway (11)

1 Name: Shadow : 2018-08-04 23:06 ID:OQTcrMUa [Del]

Every single time i try to go on the drrrchat lounge, it says 502 Bad Gateway on my phone, is there a way i can bypass it or get rid of that? Any help would be appreciated.

2 Name: Eren : 2018-08-05 01:20 ID:j6QCbEzh [Del]

they are working on it or get ready to sale it or something I don't know what going on with it

3 Name: Random Person : 2018-08-05 09:28 ID:YkH3L/J2 [Del]

So far it's been 4 days with the site being down.
Not sure when it's going to be back but if Exii sees this ...please tell us when it's coming back.

Some people are using the back up site also But no Admins found cause this guy named "Zhetta" says they're not allowed to be there but, it's obvious people can't wait any longer for the site.

4 Name: Cookies : 2018-08-05 11:14 ID:YkH3L/J2 [Del]

People are saying it'll be back later on today.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-05 14:09 ID:eOdlQL69 [Del]

>>4 Who said that?

6 Name: Eren : 2018-08-05 15:53 ID:j6QCbEzh [Del]

why would Zhetta said that is site is fore everybody and backup site is to

7 Name: Aramake : 2018-08-05 18:41 ID:OQTcrMUa [Del]

I'm having the same issue too, i hope it gets fixed soon. I love being a member of the DOLLARS.

8 Name: Eren : 2018-08-05 19:48 ID:j6QCbEzh [Del]

me to I love it here you don't have to be your self on here

9 Name: Young Leaf Mark!bfU1CGRc.o : 2018-08-08 05:33 ID:uiTgISro [Del]

The site seems to be down again as of just now, I don't know if it will last though.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-15 20:33 ID:oeeEIBj9 [Del]

Admin Levi was in a chatroom I was in and said the last one was a DDoS attack. Only reason it was down for so long was because no admin had noticed it yet, since they don't spend all their time there.

11 Name: Eren : 2018-08-22 14:53 ID:j6QCbEzh [Del]

It saying 502 bad gateway it under attack again