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Dollars for iOS. (6)

1 Name: Karma Akatsu : 2018-05-02 19:10 ID:e29sHNw2 [Del]

Hey guys,what do you think of making Dollars an iOS app? (I want it to show off to my friends e.e)

2 Name: skyMark & hyorinmaru co. : 2018-05-09 06:09 ID:4Tap7Jjf [Del]

better do android emulator, dollars on IOS won't be the same (or make IOS open-source, then it is ok >.<).

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-14 04:49 ID:6srISlHC [Del]

This is bs.
You can't emulate android in iOS so that comment was just dumb. What should he do, emulate android on pc just to show off a website?
Second off, android isn't open source either. I don't think you even know what open-source means.
All anyone needs to do is develop a browser that only loads in dollars bbs. It'd be stupidly simple to do, just no on does it.
Anyone can get an app on the store as long as they follow simple rules.
Absolutely nothing about a website loader is restricted to android.
How do you think apps like Twitter and Facebook work? They're just reskinned websites: nothing more.

My advice? Open safari like any other half intelligent person and just go to the website like the rest of the iOS users do.
And stop commenting on things you know nothing about.

4 Name: skyMark & hyorinmaru co. : 2018-05-15 09:55 ID:SS7JyuDn [Del]

Don't be so rude! Linux is open-source, but making linux emulator for Iphone is more impossible than making android emulator.

5 Name: ColdFlame : 2018-05-15 13:02 ID:p6eBjj73 [Del]

Both are not technically impossible, just really annoyingly complicated. I mean technically speaking every iPhone can use Linux and Android, but I would never recommend going through the process to try it.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-15 14:28 ID:6srISlHC [Del]

Again, where does emulation even come into play here?
That statement served no purpose, and again, you don't need to emulate an entirely different os just to load a website as an app.
Android literally is Linux, so the comment at >>4 just makes you seem even moe dumb than you already did.