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My laptop keeps on showing pop-ups everytime I go to a website how can i fix this problem? (4)

1 Name: Nanami : 2018-02-19 13:59 ID:zHx6tp8E [Del]

I have a laptop with Windows 10 and since yesterday my computer has been showing me pop-ups every time I click or go to a website. And what is more irritating is that when a random pop-up appears I can't delete it by clicking on the "X" so now my computer has all these weird pop-up websites accumulated in it and some of them appear even without me clicking on anything in my computer. Does someone know how I can fix this problem because its really annoying how every time I click on something on a website a pop-up shows up and I can't delete it.

2 Name: Maou-sama : 2018-02-19 15:09 ID:7CDShf9D [Del]

I would suggest that you install a anti-virus and if it keeps happening you should back up all your stuff on your laptop and do a complete reboot of your laptop so just install windows 10 again and it shouldn't come again

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-02-19 17:56 ID:7PVgyaRp [Del]

You goofed. Do all the above, plus installing the ad-blocker chrome extension.

4 Name: Sadir : 2018-02-22 09:29 ID:ngYjtpi+ [Del]

>>1 Reinstalling Windows is a bit excessive in this case, you should be able to resolve the issue without resorting to that. It sounds like you've acquired an adware virus somewhere, either on your computer, or more likely, something messing with your browser. I would recommend reinstalling a clean copy of your browser, making sure to delete all the data from the previous copy, then installing a good adblocker. As well as this, if you don't have one already, you should install a good antivirus and do a full scan of your system to check for malware. Hopefully, once you've done all of this, it should resolve your issue.