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Is Virtual Reality a Bad Thing? (4)

1 Name: Ourako : 2016-12-29 16:52 ID:uP5AJwrK [Del]

I watched the movie "The Social Network" a few weeks ago. To anyone who hasn't heard of it, it's basically a movie about Mark Zuckerberg, the man who invented Facebook, and how the whole website came to be. Out of curiosity (and boredom), I then searched up for his name on Youtube to see if he really acted that way in real life and found a video where he was stating that in the next 10 years or so, virtual reality will be the next big thing.

Now I'm not knowledgeable on the subject, so don't quiz me or anything. Personally, the thought of people wanting to live in a virtual reality more then real life is sad to me. People are already obsessed with their phones, the internet, to an unhealthy extent. If they could have all the things that they wanted in a virtual reality, what would the point for existing in the real world be anyways? And no, I'm not a 98 year old man who yells "Those damned hooligans on their light up screens!", I'm kinda scared for the world in general.

Hey but maybe someone can recreate Sword Art Online mwahahah. (I either made someone smile, shake their head, or have a blank face with that statement). Anyways tell me what you think about the whole subject! Should virtual reality happen? Is it sad? Is it inevitable? Would you rather live in a perfect world that isn't real? Hmmmmmm~

2 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-01-01 04:32 ID:++4QD0/U [Del]

In a way, it would be pretty cool, but at the same time, there could be more possibilities for hackers to hack into something

3 Name: Ken : 2017-01-01 15:37 ID:8eULZbHq [Del]

I mean remember how your mom would say dont stand to close to the TV.
Virtual reality is basically promoting that.
If use it i wouldn't spend much time on it.

4 Name: Root : 2017-01-08 17:52 ID:/9RCmMqj [Del]

It's not about living in a VR (atleast for me), wouldn't it be more fun to actually be "in the game", instead of just looking at a monitor?

Although, i see where you are coming from. Games are one of the most wildly used methods of escapism, and VR would just make that worse...